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Thread: When you SHOULDN'T use AAS imho....

  1. #241
    roninpath is offline New Member
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    unreal post that was very honest

  2. #242
    killawoge is offline New Member
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    Another awsome source of real information love the post on detalied info from rest,proper diet pct, and having real knowledge lf proper lifting

  3. #243
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    I am going to direct a few people i know to this post!!

  4. #244
    cordawg's Avatar
    cordawg is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seattleironpumper View Post
    I am not a no - it -all but i am 40 and thow i have only done a couple of cycles through my life I think the two year weight lifting before a cycle is a bit much, I know pleanty of guys that started a cycle after a month or two of hard lifting and got awesome gains.
    I on the other hand have very little experience with aas so far. A cycle and a half under my belt and as much reading as I can do here is about it. But I trained for three years before touching aas. A buddy of mine dove into aas late in his second month of proper training. He had awesome gains, 20 pounds of lean mass. But because he only had 2 months experience training, his diet was off, and when he came off cycle, kind of fell out of training. The end result, he lost all 20 pounds. Its best to train for a longer period of time IMO because then your more prone to keep up with training after cycle as it is already a regular part of your life.

    On another note its best to know your body and your limits very well first too. Even after training for 3 years before juicing, I suppose I didnt know my body and its reactions to being on and being off. A month after my first cycle I was doing my lateral raises with the weight I had been using at the very peak of my cycle aaaaand... Shoulder injury, put me out of training for an entire month, made work uncomfortable, and still from time to time the pain comes back for a day or so. Even with years of training, you still have alot to learn about your body, especially once aas are added to the equation.

    So this being said IMO, **ATLEAST** one year of religiously training and tweaking your diet is needed before pinning for the first time

  5. #245
    jodha1991 is offline New Member
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    Good post tks.

  6. #246
    Squats33's Avatar
    Squats33 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the input!

  7. #247
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Very good info. Thank you.

    I have a question on the temper issue. I do suffer from explosive tendencies. However, it wasn't always like that. It started around 28ish or so. I'm 34 now and while getting it up most of the time isn't a problem... sometimes I do find that it's a problem. My mood bounces up and down a lot. Sometimes i'm just worn out and don't really have a reason to be, etc. I don't know if this may be due to test just slowly dropping with age or not. I'm not sure how if a cycle of test might help with mood stabilization or hurt it.

  8. #248
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    are you saying that all Internet steroids are garbage ???
    how do you know the difference between human grade and other grades. can someone explain that to me

  9. #249
    bilgee is offline New Member
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    Good one Drummerboy,! Like it alot

  10. #250
    dj erk15 is offline Junior Member
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    Good post

  11. #251
    Sleeb is offline New Member
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    Ima a positive check on that whole list. Next steps!??

  12. #252
    tigerspawn's Avatar
    tigerspawn is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the thread

  13. #253
    Salforis's Avatar
    Salforis is offline New Member
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    It is too late for me to read this one... A brief story of mine before i discover this forum:

    I started my first cycle when i only spent 2 weeks in gym. I was 19 back then. Foolish act may u say,but i lost half of my BF,put out 5LB of weight,getting muscles,etc... But,i almost break my arms joint becauae as the above post said,it only grows muscle not tendon etc. i learned one thing and i won't do it again without proper education. On the other hand,i also notice one thing. Without proper diet (at least knowing your macros,not really following strict day today meal plan),and proper rest you can gain nothing. One of my friend had this situation. So anyway thank you for the (old but gold) post!

  14. #254
    Enfermo is offline New Member
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    Been training for years... Im 28 and becoming more and more intrigued by AAS. I've never cycled before, so I'm glad I found this forum

  15. #255
    DuggyPhresh is offline Junior Member
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    Good read. Thanks.

  16. #256
    DonDada is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy View Post
    Yeah i know... better safe then sorry... but i do think 21 is low....
    I agree

  17. #257
    BeardedMuscleDude is offline New Member
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    Awesome! Thanks for the kick in the ASS! I'm getting a lot of those call outs in order. Otherwise, like you say, it's a freeking waste of time, money and just stupid!

  18. #258
    simpson72's Avatar
    simpson72 is offline New Member
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    excelent post!

    but u dont said nothing about bodyweight?
    someone s of us may be have some overweight pounds! its bad to run a cycle with some maybe 15 pound of overweight?

    in my case my usually weight was 84 kg for long time. now with 41 years old its 97kg


  19. #259
    yessse is offline New Member
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    i hear about people using too young and needing 'HRT' the rest of their lives but what what chance is there of this happening with moderate doses of ASS and flawless PCT??

  20. #260
    Sathane is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpson72 View Post
    excelent post!

    but u dont said nothing about bodyweight?
    someone s of us may be have some overweight pounds! its bad to run a cycle with some maybe 15 pound of overweight?

    in my case my usually weight was 84 kg for long time. now with 41 years old its 97kg

    I'm wondering this now as well. I did read in the "First Cycle" sticky that excessive BF% can lead to worst sides.

  21. #261
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yessse
    i hear about people using too young and needing 'HRT' the rest of their lives but what what chance is there of this happening with moderate doses of ASS and flawless PCT??
    I used at 20/21 used low doses of AAS and flawless PCT needed up on HRT by 26'!!

  22. #262
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There is no such thing as a Flawless PCT. Every PCT is also a risk.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  23. #263
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    There is no such thing as a Flawless PCT. Every PCT is also a risk.
    I was just using his term as it made me lol

  24. #264
    yessse is offline New Member
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    yep thanks for answering my question

  25. #265
    hardgainerx is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    There is no such thing as a Flawless PCT. Every PCT is also a risk.
    This really highlights my concerns. I am a very cautious person, if I ever decided to go on my first cycle I would do it the way all the long time members I respect recommend, prepared to the max.

    My problem revolves around not really understanding the long term baseline risks of using a cycle of AAS, even once. While I know there are ways to mitigate some of the issues related to a cycle, after 8 months on the forums I still don't know what the underlying risks are to weigh the ultimate decision.

    Perhaps you never know, kind of like the disclaimer at the end of all the pharma commercials, everything you introduce into your body no matter how studied can hurt you.

  26. #266
    tox2501 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks! Good checklist for what I need to cover before I consider starting a cycle.

  27. #267
    sisky wolf is offline New Member
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    Red face !st Cycle in over a year/Starting with Tren 75

    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy View Post
    First - if your new to this and you dont get through this whole list, put down the vial, the needle and walk away. You lack the initiative to even get started

    1) Your under 25 (ish). Your natty test is still likely high, and you probably still have room to grow. You may not have spent the time reaching your natural limit, which is the best time to consider a boost. Choice is yours tho! This varies from person to person, but is a pretty good general rule. If you're a teen, dont even think about it. Why would you? Your likely jacked on natty test right now! Use it!

    2) You dont know what your doing with the actual steroids , hgh, slin, pct stuff etc. You have no real knowledge of each compound, proper dosing, side effects etc. This can lead to more problems than good. An intimate knowledge of anything you put in your body should be common sense! That goes for PCT too. And these should only be used once you have the 3 major foundations down (see 4,5,6)

    3) You havent trained for at least a couple years. Just ask the guys who start training, jump onto a cycle, get huge and tear a tendon in half. Steroids grow muscle. Not tendons or connective tissue. One of the most common reasons for injury is huge strong muscles overpower tendons - try this if you want to feel some hefty pain. I made this mistake. You dont want to tear a tendon or muscle cause you didnt take the time to develope your connective tissue or your nervous system. Yes, these other 2 guys are VERY important to muscle growth and avoiding injury.

    4) You dont know how to eat. This is the first of the 3 major foundations. Lifting without fuel is very foolish, you cant build a house without bricks (protein) or mortar (carbs, fat). The right foods, in the right proportions, at the right time. Understanding macro nutrients, calories, your BMR, how to gain, how to lose, micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) and supplements is pretty much at the top of the list in importance. Without this, quit now. Your wasting your time.

    5) You dont know how to lift, the second foundation. Proper training is essential for the fastest growth. Knowing your lifting is a necessity, and helps you get the fastest gains in the shortest time and stay injury free. How much would it suck if you were halfway through a cycle, ripping your shirts, and you blow your back with an improper squat? It sucks lots.

    6) You dont know how to rest, the third foundation. The most common failure for us guys tryin to get huge is overtraining. Yes you can overtrain on AAS. I know i know... we want it NOW not later! A little knowledge in basic human biology is a must here - you grow OUTSIDE the gym, damage muscle INSIDE the gym. Proper rest periods and sleep patterns will aid your growth so much, as opposed to overtraining and stunting yourself... a very easy line to cross.

    7) You lack discipline. In order to learn all this, you need to get it done and stick with it. That goes for all of it - diet, training, rest, cycling and everything in between. Why put your body through all this without getting the most out of it. Messing with your endocrine system can be some serious stuff, and there are consequenses. If you dont have the time to dig in and learn, you could waste your time and end up more out of shape then you started, or worse, you could get hurt.

    8) You lack the mental stability to handle the sides. Physical and mental side effects vary from person to person, and usually increase as doses increase. Physical sides can range from water retention to more serious conditions like gyno or high blood pressure. Mental sides can be something like increased libido (not so bad) to increased temper. If you cant overcome sides either mentally or physically, you may not be fit to use.

    9) When you get all the above information right, know it front and back and can put it into practice, you just might be ready.... BUT.... make sure you get good quality AAS, dont mess with garbage. This can be a challenge, especially lately, but put the time in! You dont want something fake for a ton of $$$, or worse, an abcess! Be very aware of your sources, make sure they are tried and true. Beware of online "pharms" and all that BS. Even some reputable onliners are selective scammers. Be very cautious, take your time, and get good gear and pct stuff!

    10) You didnt take the time to read this list 2x

    Are you ready to cycle?


    Would appreciate any feed back on the Tren 75..I have been lifting for over 15 years...coming back after rotator cuff impingement...70 yrs old,5' 6" 172 lbs...last year prior to cuff damage 186 lbs 9% bf..need some reviews on Tren 75

    Thanks in advance

    Scooter101 likes this.

  28. #268
    sisky wolf is offline New Member
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    Hate to sound stupid..But I am looking for answers and advice...What Is AAS?

    I am 70 years 0ld ..getting ready to start 1st cycle on Tren 75...
    I have been lifting for 15 years..and seriously the last 3 years..
    Last edited by sisky wolf; 09-13-2013 at 05:54 PM.

  29. #269
    SwoleVille's Avatar
    SwoleVille is offline Female Member
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    I knew most of this already but def learned a few things. Good stuff

  30. #270
    TheBlob's Avatar
    TheBlob is offline New Member
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    Wow loved the miss piggy pic

  31. #271
    JSHempel is offline New Member
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    I'm a newbie to all this stuff and this was a really good read! Thanks!
    Thanks for stressing the foundations, those are pretty essential!

  32. #272
    k.soul is offline New Member
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    thanx DB

    this is the best info & advice by far for a noob like me and others.thanx heaps.

  33. #273
    muskulazio is offline New Member
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    Really great post bro, definitely need to reach all those steps before thinking bout goin on a cycle.

  34. #274
    Pericu is offline Junior Member
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    Super great post and pretty helpful for everyone thinking about starting!

  35. #275
    ASH-7 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    I did it not for muscle growth but to get a beard.... I was a late bloomer
    what was your first cycle bro?

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