Originally Posted by
Were you born this ignorant or did you learn it?
You're an idiot, you're a noob and you're in here tainting this good information and trying to misinform uneducated people. I never once denied that Var aided in fat loss.... NOT ONCE! I simply stated my personal finding with personal experience and I quote..... "I spent extreme amounts of money on Anavar hoping it would help cut my fat. During the 8 weeks cycle I did not lose any more fat than I would have while running my diet ." The point of this thread since you're missing it, is to help inform people who are of high BF percentage that they must focus on diet and exercise and not look to turn to a "MAGIC PILL" I then specifically went on to say in the last paragraph of my original post and I quote... "I hope this helps people to understand that Anavar use is not for obese people looking to cut fat and that the fat burning properties will only truly be utilized when you are dieting hard and trying to cut as low as possible sub 10% BF. There is no reason to spend the money and risk the sides with Anavar when you can easily lose the fat with good diet and hard work."
There you see that I openly admit to the fat burning abilities of Var.... I don't understand your attack on this thread or the information, especially since you can't read because you are mad at me for things I never even said or even implied, and if you feel I have implied that var does not have any fat burning properties at all, then I am sorry that your brain has a tough time putting sentences together and comprehending things that are obviously so simple to understand.
I'll put this in idiot terms for you.... If you have High BF percentage... especially over 18% you will not see significant fat loss for the price you pay, not to mention you are more susceptible to side effects. You need to focus on your diet and cardio because there is not short cut when it comes to this. It didn't take you 6 weeks to get fat, so can't magically lose it in 6 weeks either.
If you have trained hard and are looking to cut that last little bit of fat, but are worried about being catabolic and potentially losing muscle, or if you want to lose that last little bit of fat while applying some lean mass gains at the same time, than Var is a very very good option and worth the money.
I can't believe I had to spell this out for you... its idiots like you that give bad advice or imply bad ideas to people who are trying to learn.... just shut your mouth if you don't know.
You can go nuts and post whatever you want from here on out, but anyone who knows anything can see you're just being an asshole... even a small child with a learning disability can now understand this thread how I've spelt it out for you. I will not respond to your ignorance any more....
How you got it.... "MATE"