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Thread: Gyno on right nipple...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Gyno on right nipple...

    My buddy's profile is locked, so I'm posting this for him. My buddy has gyno about the size of a quarter on his right nipple. He has never done steroids, just Pro-Hormones. After his cycle he was left with gyno on his right nipple. He's wondering exactly what he can take or do to try and get rid of it.. He's a thin guy he's 5'8 167lbs and muscular.

    Thanks for the advice..

  2. #2
    i have the same problem and im gona try Letrozole from what ive read so far its supose to work preaty dam good, i should be geting some this tuesday so il let you know how it goes, Letrozole is preaty expensive tho i went to the pharmacy today and asked they told me its 368 dollars for 30 tablets i was like holy shit!! lol

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by skillet89 View Post
    i have the same problem and im gona try Letrozole from what ive read so far its supose to work preaty dam good, i should be geting some this tuesday so il let you know how it goes, Letrozole is preaty expensive tho i went to the pharmacy today and asked they told me its 368 dollars for 30 tablets i was like holy shit!! lol
    What dosages are you going to do ?

  4. #4
    i just got my bottle of letrozole today heres how the one i got looks like now the tablets are 2.5mg each and they are preaty small tablets so im gona take 2.5mg aday like it tells me to on the bottle, im quessing that amount is for people that are taking the meds for breast cancer but i just dont see myself trying to break up this tiny ass tablet so..i quess 2.5mg a day it is.
    Last edited by skillet89; 01-12-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    You guys need to look at this will help you with your questions. Also, the Letro from the board sponsor, AR-R, up in the right corner is cheaper than what you guys are paying for the tabs and it works the stuff in this link. You don't want to start off at 2.5mg a day..................

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Read up on's powerful stuff. Tell your "friend" to be careful

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    letro is real powerful bro. when coming off especially if u dont taper ur gonna run into mad estrogen rebound. Make sure to come off ur letro with nolva or stane.

  8. #8
    i took hormone pills and ended up getting Gynecomastia. i was not aware of post cycle. a few months later i started taking steroid (needle form) i still currently have Gynecomastia. i have only been on it for 4 weeks but i want to get rid of my Gynecomastia because it is embarrassing. i wanted to take letro because i read it can get rid of it. can i take it during the cycle or do i need to get off the juice first? also i have not done steroids for that long so how long should my post cycle be with letro?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yes you can take it during your cycle but just be careful cause it is pretty damn powerful and can hinder your gains

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thats what I've read and heard so far but someone may have actual experience with it that can help you out

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruffiancino View Post
    You guys need to look at this will help you with your questions. Also, the Letro from the board sponsor, AR-R, up in the right corner is cheaper than what you guys are paying for the tabs and it works the stuff in this link. You don't want to start off at 2.5mg a day..................
    Great link right there. Very helpful.

  12. #12
    hi im currently on day 9 of taking letro while off cycle to reverse existing gyno from a year ago and so far thumbs up - Right side nipple gyno gone - left side which was bigger then right to begin with has shrunk by 50% and is not as hard anymore - feeling squishier by the day. Seems as though letro is breaking down the hard tissue /fat? gyno down day by day. Everyday it feels smaller - hopefully it will be all gone soon - Will taper of with nolva then

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Montreal, Canada
    btw not trying to sound newbish but what is gyno?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by toothache
    Great link right there. Very helpful.
    Very good link and helpful, my last cycle was twenty years ago nipples big around and big lump behind them do u think letro will remove? I'm going to try it when I find some

  15. #15
    Just had surgery to remove gyno in both sides on Nov 28, surgery lasted about 45min and done as an out patient. My pain was bad in both sides, very sensitive and puffy. So far so good went back to gym today and go back to work next week.

  16. #16
    Does it hurt gear to get cold

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by harley1584
    Does it hurt gear to get cold
    You have posted this three different times now Brah, seriously? Started two threads and posted on this

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by boomerfb View Post
    Very good link and helpful, my last cycle was twenty years ago nipples big around and big lump behind them do u think letro will remove? I'm going to try it when I find some
    If you got the gyno 20 years ago, nothing will get rid of the gyno, aside from surgery of course. If it is a lot more recent then you could take something to hopefully reverse it.

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