hey fellas...this is my attempt a a somewht imformative post however if your a rook like me i hve very litto expirience with ass jst trying to get my knowledge up so i wouldnt take anything ive said in here as advice jst yet lets see what the vets hve to say...ive read up on many cycles but have noticed most do not wean...i hve some expirince in the medical field dealing with corticosteroids such as predinisone (cortisol) which must be weaned Prednisone is a synthetic steroid hormone. It cannot be stopped abruptly because the adrenal gland, which makes natural steroid hormones for the body, is suppressed by long term prednisone administration. abruptly stopping prednisone leaves one without any steroids at all. Given time, if the adrenal is stimulated to produce steroids by gradual reduction in the dosage of prednisone, it will eventually begin to wake up and produce natural steroids in most cases...i do not hve much expirience with aas noit really taught in school...but from what ive read ive deduced the principle applies to aas aswell...ive noticed pct usually takes the place of weaning...would it be more beneficial to wean and pct...or is weaning just reserved for long drawn out cycles > 6 mnths etc..