"I'm new and I'm looking for a good fist cycle"
Ok new guys this seems to be a big topic here so here is a post for you. First of all this is not a recipe just a guide line on what you should be researching. You need to learn about these substances in more depth than I will go into here. However, for the new member just coming to AR I think this will answer a lot of questions. If nothing else you will see that there is a lot of studying in your future and there is no quick way to cycle properly
1st cut vs bulk
A lot of people seem to feel you can both cut and bulk at the same time. Well I'm telling you right now to forget that idea. If your ready to start your journey down the dark path you should start it with a good old fashion bulking stack. Don't waist your first stack with a cutter. Save that for after you've gained some more size. If you feel like you need to cut, do it naturally before your first cycle.
This IMO is where most mistakes are made. I try to keep it somewhat clean while bulking but some of you worry way too much about what you eat. This causes many of you to not eat enough. I also think people need to get more carbs while bulking. I've seen many people trying to bulk on what I would consider a cutting diet.
For bulking I suggest high protein, med carbs and low fats. As a general rule I try to consume about 2 g of protein per lb daily while bulking although sometimes I don't get it all in. When I'm not bulking my carb intake is quite low so the boost in carbs gives me quite a treat.
Do some research before you start any Anabolic cycle on how your body reacts to certain diets. If you in an advanced enough stage to be using Anabolics you should already know how you reacts to diets and exactly how many calories you need to eat to accomplish the weight you are looking to acquire. Ask for diet help if you need it. There are many people on AR who know more about diet than I ever will.
Make sure you get a good multi-vit in the mix. Specially with low fat diets.
The Gear
The are many right and many wrong ways to do things here. There is no one magic formula for cycling. Many people do it many different ways. Many of those ways work well. Many don't. Things I may suggest others may say I'm way off base. I can only tell you what I have learned from experience. You have to make your own decisions for yourself
Its become a common thing that many vets here suggest a test only first cycle. Thats fine. I'm sure you'll get some good gains from it. I myself like a little more in the mix. Like I said test only is fine if you want to stop there.
The most coming thing to ad is deca. Yes its mild on the sides. Yes you get good gains. However, if you do chose deca it will mean that and anti estrogen alone will not prevent gyno 100%. Another substance such as bromo will be needed in case of progesterone related gyno. For this reason alone I suggest eq (Equipoise). The gains are not quit as big but you will keep more of them and that sounds like a good trade off to me.
Dbol and other orals.
I know many of you would like to ad these to a first stack. I did and from experience let me tell you its not a good idea. The side effects are just too high. I was doubled over in bed from my the pains in my liver. Other have had pains from excessive back pumps to the point of missing workouts. trust me on this one save the orals till you know how your gonna react to a all injectable cycle it will make it easier
I suggest you run test at about 500mg. Some say thats over kill and 250mg is plenty first time around. For some maybe. I know for a fact for me it wouldn't have been enough. I upped my doses mid cycle from 400mg to 600mg before I got satisfactory results from my test. To me 500mg is in no way shape or form excessive.
For the eq or deca I would run it at 300-400mg. Ran mine at 400mg. I felt it had a great effect on me.
Other thing you need to be taking
Lots of water. I am not shitting you when I say on a cycle I drink 2+ gallons a day. I just drink it out of a 1 gallon jug. Hope you don't get in trouble at work for being in the bathroom every 15 min.
Anti estrogen. I personally take nolva though out the whole cycle @ 20mg. If I feel itchy or sore nipples I up it to 50mg till its gone. Then its back to 20mg. I run it till I'm done with my PCT (post cycle therapy). Other good things to run with or instead of nolva liquadex, ferma, Arimidex. Read around you'll see a couple others. Nolva for me is simply cheap available and effective.
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) I follow the idea that clomid alone is a perfectly fine PCT for most cycles. I will say for any kinda cycle your going to be doing here it is. The thing is you wanna start your clomid when the majority of the anabolics are out of your system. For that you need to know that test Enathate (which is the test I recommend you use right now) after 2 weeks will diminish enough to Begin PCT. For deca and eq it will be roughly 3 weeks. So you will simply end the eq/deca a week before the test.
The correct way to run clomid:
day 1 300mg
day 2-11 100mg ed (every day)
day 12-21 50 mg ed
Final thought
For the most part this is very general. I tried to keep it that way. I did not intend this to be a all you need to know about steroids by Ron type of thing. I do not have all the answers. There are many things to learn and I just wanted to give you a good step in the right direction. I have been on this board for years and all I have learned it has taught me. Still everyday I learn something new. Take your time. Read the threads. Read the educational forum. Ask questions. There are many very smart Bros on here. Take advantage of them. Steroids are not a quick fix like some people think. They are a drug you are putting into your body. Make sure before you do this you know what they are and what they will do to you.