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Thread: Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Sleeping in the Leg Press
    Great post guy, i was just wondering one thing.. If someone using say 25-50 mg for 6 week with a bulking cycle, does he need to ramp down too? How would you ramp this down?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    May 2004
    lets se your cutting cycle?

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ask me
    With cycleons cycle, do you need to know your temperatures?
    Also, what about pct? Is it considered?

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In the sticks

    what it is

    T3 what it is - cytomel
    A thyroid hormone, burns fat

    cycling and dosages:

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Land of cow's...Moo..
    I'm gonna start T-3 today, what the longest one should use it.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Is it good to run the t3 at the same time as the clen? Is it really necessary?

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    great info. would 3 weeks of t3 with 2 weeks of clen give me good results for fat loss? anyone got a suggested ramp schedule for 3 weeks?

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'm on Week 2 of my first cycle, Test E (1-12) and Winny (10-14). I am 5'11", 192 with approx 9-11% bf. I have pretty good ab definition right now. I have Liquid T3/Clen from AR-R. I will be using Clen with PCT but I will be adding T3 starting Week 3.

    My goal is to get up to a solid 200-205 after the cycle with a loss of 2% bf preferably. More specifically, i want to get my abs further defined, cut away some of that fat on the lower abs, and get my pec striations and serratus to jump out more. I've tried searching different dosing posts for T3 but would like someone to set me up with an effective dosing schedule.

    I have a pic at:
    Pre-Cycle Pic

    How does this work starting Week 3? I stole it from the 1st page of the thread, lol.

    1/2/3/days 4-20 4/3/3/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/.5/.5/.5/.5.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    do a search for mallet's thyroid/T3 threads. you need to read up on thyroid function before trying it. be ready to do thyroid-PCT too.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thanks wired..i have read mallet's post on pct (t-100x and coleus, etc...). I do know what the thyroid does and know it's serious **** to take t3. It's also serious **** taking aas but I have done my homework. I was just hoping to get it customized by someone knowledgeable in the area specific to my current stats and goal along with the test/winny i am on.


  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    okay, cool. just trying to help out. wanted to make sure you weren't going into it blindly. i'd love to help you out, but i'm not enough of an expert on this stuff to give you dosing. hopefully someone else will chime in.

  12. #92

    Does anyone still read this?

    What if your dosage is only 50mcg do you still need to come down so slowly?
    I'm assuming the answer is yes.

    Here is what I put together for a 6 week cycle with a max of 50mcg.
    I'm also running clen 2 weeks on 1 off.

    Day 1-3 =25mcg (1 tab)
    Day 3-23 =50mcg (2 tabs)
    Day 23-29 =37.5mcg (1.5 tabs)
    Day30-36 -=25 mcg (1 tab)
    Day 36-42 =12.5 mcg (.5 tab)

    I'm a fitness model/competitor. 5'9" current 147. Competition wt 128-135.

    Input appreciated

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Everyone is different, My wife takes 125mcg. On the advise of I think it was Warlo, we followed what he had posted cause we were not seeing results from ramping up and down as most suggest. She goes directly to 125mcg first day for 5 days, coming down at 75mcg for 1 day and 25 for 1 day to complete the week. 5 days off and back at it again. We were also concerned about shutting down the thyroid but had her dr check her 2 weeks off of the T3's and it was functioning normally. So it appears to be safe and very effective. Note she is 5'5" 140 lbs and has been lifting for 3 years, so a lot of that is muscle. Just so you know i'm not talking about some 300lb woman Hope that helps for what it is worth.

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    The big Addison, TX!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevan
    Everyone is different, My wife takes 125mcg. On the advise of I think it was Warlo, we followed what he had posted cause we were not seeing results from ramping up and down as most suggest. She goes directly to 125mcg first day for 5 days, coming down at 75mcg for 1 day and 25 for 1 day to complete the week. 5 days off and back at it again. We were also concerned about shutting down the thyroid but had her dr check her 2 weeks off of the T3's and it was functioning normally. So it appears to be safe and very effective. Note she is 5'5" 140 lbs and has been lifting for 3 years, so a lot of that is muscle. Just so you know i'm not talking about some 300lb woman Hope that helps for what it is worth.
    Hey Kev, do you think there is any danger in just starting out at 150-200mg vs ramping up? With Clen you ramp up and with T3 and using Malets formula youd dont. Any Risks? Thanks Bro!

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ask me
    btw, i read somewhere youre not supposed to use clen for pct with t3, as it is antagonistic to the thyroid. Mallet says so.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    hi im a new member but i have been working out for about 4 years i experienced and accident along the way a car accident that interupted my work out for six months along with me eating and working out diciplin. i currently hit up a cycle of sustenon 250 with premo 100mg for 10 weeeks i gained from 175lbs to 205lbs from 10%fat to 11.3% fat then i stoped did ACG for 3 weeks and was off gears for about 2months then went on a wini cycle EOD witch was a waist of money cuz it dident do **** plus i did diet but nor cardio i f***** up there well dont matter i pretty much since december have been eating right tilapia, egg whites, protein shakes, chicken breast, less then 30g carbs a day from good carbs like brocoli, spinach, brown rice, whole weat, and grits, i do 20min bike everyday on the third to highest level at the end of the 20min the machine sais 500 calories that i burned it varies but always 500 or more as well as crunches with leg raises and obliques. im doen to about 184 and 9% its working but what a pain in the ass along with the diet i have been taking staker3 with chitostan and i recently ordered to take cytomel and clen i still haven recieved it cuz i ordered it threw mexmeds its coming from mexico i was planing in taking the cytomel 6weeks pyramid up and pyramid down with the max of 75mcg a day every 4 days incresing the doasege then staying at an equilibrium then going back down and gradualy working my normal thyroid function back as for the clen which i have takn before my body tolerates it extremly well with up to 120mcg a day or i guess its 4 tablets i was wondering from experiences with cytomel and clen mix what are the outcomes and hazards associated with this mix

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!
    Do a search for "Mallets" Threads about T3 and Clen, from what I see Mallets 7/5 Split works really good! I'm fixin to give it a go myself, but I would say that you need to research your @$$ of on this stuff, this stuff will mess your Thyroid up for life if you dont do it right. I've been researchin this stuff for about 2 months and still not ready to take the plunge. Take your time, research, be safe, and good luck!

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    tanks sooner 45 i have been doing my homework on this but the safe zone is 6 weeks which i might do 4 weeks insatid along with the clen but my cousin has taken cytomel various amounts of times as well his wife recently is on her 5th week and has lost 30lbs and eating her favorite foods ( sounds like a comercial) so i dont know i mean im very cousious with that cuz my mom has thyroid problems and she is iverweight by about 40lbs but then again she dont take care of her self according to what i have reaserched while your on the t3 your thyroid stops producig the hormone simply beasue you are replacing it with artificial t3 jsut like with test you put test in your body stops making its own your balls go up while your on it you ramp up then ramp down do gradualy put your normal body back in place but the thyroid a gland according my a doctor when your thyroid shuts off something has to compensate for it now the Doc never stated if the hormone making t3 part of your thyroid is what shuts down or everything else thats what confuses me im pretty sure that of you work your way slow on to the t3 then eaven slower when your going to go off and not use it for more than 6 weeks and to be safe only for 5 weeks 1 time it shouldent **** you up just as long as you dont exeed 100mcg a day and spread out the tablets through out the day. now for all the dare devils do what you want but for you hazerdous ppl i would take my cousins way cuz hes done it more than once its worked and he has no thyroid problems.

  19. #99
    Join Date
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    The big Addison, TX!!!!!

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Foolish Fitness
    What if your dosage is only 50mcg do you still need to come down so slowly?
    I'm assuming the answer is yes.

    Here is what I put together for a 6 week cycle with a max of 50mcg.
    I'm also running clen 2 weeks on 1 off.

    Day 1-3 =25mcg (1 tab)
    Day 3-23 =50mcg (2 tabs)
    Day 23-29 =37.5mcg (1.5 tabs)
    Day30-36 -=25 mcg (1 tab)
    Day 36-42 =12.5 mcg (.5 tab)

    I'm a fitness model/competitor. 5'9" current 147. Competition wt 128-135.

    Input appreciated
    bump on this. i'll be taking T3 for 6 weeks, along with anabolics and other fat burners (forskolin, green tea, yohimbine, 7-OXO, etc) and was curious with the dosage. i would really prefer a low-dose T3 regimen, as i dont have test or clen in the cycle and would like to not lose quite as much muscle (some is ok) so does the above schedule look good, or would the down-taper need to be more gradual and end lower, say:

    day 1-2: 12.5mg
    day 3-4: 25mg
    day 5-25: 50mg
    day 26-32: 25mg
    day 33-38: 12.5mg
    day 39-42: 5mg

    which would be about a 9/50/40 split. the long duration combined with the above "missing elements af anbolism" make me hesitant about upping the dose. reckon i will still get results? ephedrine is still a possibility but only if i dont see significant fat loss.

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  22. #102

    Red face 12 weeks too long?

    I was wondering if a 12 week cycle would be too long for using T3? I was thinking of ramping up to 100mcg/day with a long taper down period. Also, Clen, 2wks on, 2 wks off for the entire cycle. Based on the earlier formula, what would a dosing schedule look like?

    Also, I am trying to lose bodyfat, but do not want to lose muscle as well. What would be a decebt AAS to stack in there to help me out with this concern?

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, New York

    how is this for a 6 week T3 ramp with 100mgs of test prop eod

    week1 1 pill 2pills 2pills 3pills 4pills 4pills 4pills
    week2 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills
    week3 4pills 4pillls 4pills 4pills 4pills 3pills 3pills
    week4 3pills 3pills 3pills 2pills 2pills 2pills 2pills
    week5 2pills 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill
    week6 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2 pill 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2pill

    total 111 pills @25mcg per pill

    Or this may be brtter to read.


    6 weeks total

    Last edited by TomsTwinTowers; 02-10-2006 at 04:49 PM.

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Damnit, I'm a bit confused. Could be cause I'm tired.

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Hey guys, great thread.... I have a few questions... heres what I'm looking at...
    I'm doing a 10wk cycle of Test-E 600MG/twice a week, followed by 2 weeks of test-prop at 875MG/week (125/day) then moving into PCT, where I'm not sure if I should take 50mg or 100mg of clomid a day, and I'm going to also take 20MG of nolvadex/day... but I also want to start my Clen/T3 cycle after the Prop. Right now I have a 56 day cycle of Clen, and a 42 day cycle of T3, do I need to have them the same length? Or is that fine?

    Heres the Clen Cycle: (total: 56 days)
    day 1: 20mcgs
    day 2: 40mcgs
    day 3: 60mcgs
    day 4: 80mcgs
    day 5: 100mcgs
    day 6: 120mcgs
    day 7-56: 140mcgs
    day 15-21: 100mg benadryl everynite
    day 35-42: 100mg benadryl everynite
    day 1-56: 5g taurine ed

    Heres my T3 Cycle: (total: 42 days)
    Day 1: 25mcgs
    Day 2: 50mcgs
    Day 3: 75mcgs
    Days 4-20: 100mcgs
    Days 21-26: 75mcgs
    Days 27-32: 50mcgs
    Days 33-38: 25mcgs
    Days 39-42: 12.5mcgs

    Do I need to change anything? Or does this look good?
    I'm 6'3" and weigh 190... I'm a little scared of this Thyroid thing, should I take anything for that?

    Last edited by drak; 02-04-2006 at 08:03 PM.

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by TomsTwinTowers
    week1 1 pill 2pills 2pills 3pills 4pills 4pills 4pills
    week2 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills 4pills
    week3 4pills 4pillls 4pills 4pills 4pills 3pills 3pills
    week4 3pills 3pills 3pills 2pills 2pills 2pills 2pills
    week5 2pills 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill 1pill
    week6 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2 pill 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2pill 1/2pill

    total 111 pills @25mcg per pill

    Or this may be brtter to read.


    6 weeks total


    Hows this look ?


  27. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    drak is the 1st person to mention everyone else taking 5g ED???

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Bay Area Maryland
    Great Info

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.
    tagged for quick reference

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