I come back on the boards after being away for a bit and find some disturbing subjects in our Mod forum. It seems that many sources are being called "scammers" because they are taking longer than expected. Albeit not on this board but this point needs to get across to everyone regardless. I know several sources and over the past year I've heard many complaints but they often tend to be the same complaints.
So today I'm teaching a class. Please keep notes.
The most important thing you guys need to realize is:
"This is the ordering and distribution of illegal steroids. NOT FAST FOOD!" So let's try to calm the **** down. This applies when:
1. Sending e-mails
If your source does not get back with you in regards to your list request, order, stock check, etc, then WAIT a couple DAYS before e-mailing him again, not a couple MINUTES. Because the more you repeatedly e-mail the source the more e-mails they get and the longer it takes to respond and ship REAL ORDERS.
2. Receiving your order
Many sources are currently having delays because of several issues (the war, tighter border restrictions, tighter customs, etc). This applies to both international and dometic. So if you don't receive your order 4 days after placing your order then chill the **** out. This is where we go back to the golden rule that "this is ILLEGAL NOT FAST FOOD". Try to find out before ordering what the average turn around time is. If they won't tell you then ask a mod. They often have a decent idea as they order from numerous sources or because well...they know all.
So after that average TA time has elapsed THEN you can start questioning from your source if the package has been sent yet. Again, we go back to lesson 1. E-mail him ONCE to find out the status of your order. Give him a couple days to respond and if you don't hear anything then repeat the process. If no response shoot another e-mail to him and then ask a mod. But only after giving your source ample time to respond.
Here are some other key things to keep notes of. We'll use lessons A-E.
A. Do a source check with a few mods
This applies when ordering from a new source or if you've used a source before but it's been a while. Cause believe it or not some sources have been known to turn scammers.
B. DO NOT expect any mod to give you a source
Doing source checks is ok. Asking for sources is NOT. So don't bother because you will most likely be added to our **** list.
C. Never order from any source that solicits your business via e-mails or PM's
Receiving an e-mail from a source you've e-mailed before is one thing. Receiving an e-mail from a source you've never heard about is another. Just delete it.
D. Be weary of any source that a fellow bro or mod gives you
Now this one can go both ways. If you trust a bro or a mod and they give you a source then follow lesson A first. Then go for it if everything checks out. But if a mod or bro you don't know well suddenly gives you a source go back to lesson A for sure. The reason I bring up this one is there have known to be boards in the past that the mod is the actual source and goes referring everyone to this "source" aka himself. Sometimes that's an ok thing but it usually results in a mess. So again, back to lesson A and check with a mod from a different site than the one where you got the info from.
E. Be weary of ordering off of any website
Some sources have websites and are legit. But most websites just scream scam. So please refer back to lesson A on this one.
This wraps up today's lesson until I think of adding more. Just remember class, many sources are taking longer than expected and having difficulties. So let's give them time and not jump on the bandwagon calling them a scammer because they've taken longer than expected. Also, if you see posts on other boards about so and so turning scammer. Check with one of our mods as we may have info proving otherwise or may be able to confirm it one way or another