So I have no idea about female hormones and how they're different than ours. My girlfriend has had some concerning issues. She doesn't have insurance so she hasn't gone to the doctor right away as per my recommendation. No blood work yet either. Here are her symptoms:
Super emotional, everything makes her cry, happy tears or sad tears.
Really sensitive nipples and breasts
Right breast lactates once a week if she squeezes it.
Both breasts feel full like their filling up with milk maybe every two weeks.
Spotting blood soon after a heavy period and at random times.
Her periods have always been irregular.
Her sex drive is the same as it always is.
What do you guys think could be an issue here if it is a major concern? She has taken many pregnancy tests so we've ruled that out. I've had some great feedback on my current issues with hormonal problems. Thanks in advance for all of your help. -Jesse