My wife is on HRT - a compounded daily cream with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone (T was 8mg). Started in February and in July she started to develop these cystic acne bumps on her behind. Some developed into inflamed boils. Had to go on antibiotics for awhile to calm things down.
The doctor reduced her compounded dose of T to 4mg/day. Still breaking out. Needless to say she is very upset about this and very discouraged. She has suspended applying the cream for now but new eruptions are still developing.
The obvious answer would be the T dose was too high. But could there be other factors involved?
How long will it take for her body to normalize and not get these eruptions?
She's not completely soured on HRT - but she's very close to throwing in the towel. These eruptions are very painful - especially given the location. And antibiotics are definitely NOT an option. She's already been on two rounds.
I'd be very grateful for any advice and input on this you can offer. Thanks.