I'm posting this as a question for my wife who had been going through a great deal with her present BHRT treatment. This arose from a discussion on another thread.
This is the situation:
My wife is on HRT - a compounded daily cream with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone (T dose was 4mg). Started in February and in July (after the T dose was increased to 8 mg, she started to develop these cystic acne bumps on her behind. Some developed into inflamed boils. Had to go on antibiotics for awhile to calm things down.
The doctor reduced her compounded dose of T to 4mg/day. The break outs continued. She is completely off the BHRT (combination estrogen, progesterone and testosterone cream) for about 4 weeks now and the cystic acne has finally subsided.
*She started taking evening primrose and is considering going back on the topical hormone combination but taking a week off every 3 weeks. This seems like a great idea. (An idea suggested by Vettester) Another option is to mimic a normal menstrual cycle by using progesterone and estrogen creams separately.
*She is also considering just taking low dose T cypionate shots and stopping the estrogen/progesterone cream all together.
I'm asking the men and women on this forum for help. What has been the experience of your wives/partners regarding the best protocol for a post-menopausal woman? Compounded daily creams? What combination? Or T Cyp shots?