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My wife has been on HRT for two years since her hyster,although it took her six months to get stabilized,but she has never felt good.She just got her labs drawn and was hoping for some feedback.
WBC 6.6 3.5-11
RBC 5.10 3.80-5.10
Hemoglobin 16.2 11.7-15.7
Hemotocrit 47.5 35-47
mcv 93.1 80-100
mch 31.8 27-40
mchc 34.1 31-36
rdw 13 11.5-14.5
flt 309 130-440
insulin 6.9 2.6-24.9
iron 60 37-145
tibc 395 149-490
uibc 335 112-346
iron saturation 15 7.1-40
LH 10.9
Testosterone 37.40 12-36
free test 4.9 .2-5.0
sex hormone bind G 51.7 17-124
sodium 138 135-143
potassium 4.8 3.8/-5.3
chloride 102 98-106
total Co2 21 19-30
anion gap 15 3-11
albumin 4.7 3.8-5.0
alk phos 119 40-150
alt 20 9-52
ast/sgot 22 8-39
bili total .7 0-1.0
calcium 9.7 8.7-10.5
cortisol 6.7
BUN 10 9-23
Creatinine .9 .7-1.5
EGFR 69 >60
GGTP 43 15-172
FSH 15.3
Glucose 80 70-100
magnesium 2.2 1.7-2.5
protein 7.7 6.4-8.3
CA-125 10.3 <35
Cholesterol 224 <200
HDL 58 >60
LDL 139 <100
TRIGLYC 136 <150
Glycosyl 5.2 4.4-6.4
T4 7.1 4.8-12.4
TSH 2.7475 .47-5.010
T4 free 1.22 .7-1.85
total T3 84 58-159
B12 >2000 243-894 JUST TOOK A B12 SHOT
CRP 9.8 0-6
FREE T3 2.6 2.3-4.2
Progesterone 34.6
VIT.D 1,25 66 18-72
VIT,D2 <8
Her diet is very clean (90% vegan) with no caffeine.She has no energy and struggling to lose weight.It is so overwhelming and I don`t know what most of these numbers mean.We had to switch dr. and he is really open to things but he is just getting started in HRT.Was hoping you all could help.