Hi there! I started seeing an anti aging doc about 3 years ago.. or about when ere i joined this forum actually and have been taking huh, testosterone, dhea, progesterone and pregnenolone since then, all in low anti-aging doses. I've felt greater. i think i look pretty great, better than before i started and certainly younger than most people my age which is 47. not the point though, carrying on:
about 3 months ago, around the time i stopped using hgh (causal in any way?) i started having terrible insomnia that bled into photosensitivity, vertigo, then sort of migraines that i naturally decided must have been a brain tumor... multiple doctors and migraine meds later, turns out i have a terrible sinus infection i couldn't detect and that might have been causing all of it... 2 weeks on antibiotics and the symptoms are better but not quite right....
i found a new homeopathic doctor to test my blood. (while waiting on ENT and MRI and visiting the urgent care about 3x per week for a toreador shot) That the doctor i was using for my hormone meds didn't care where i was in my cycle when she tested me tipped me off that maybe they weren't all THAT specific. they also weren't testing thyroid and i'd developed some terrible dark bags under my eyes (those are now gone - was probably the sinus infection)
much of the above is superfluous.
But here's this
my blood tests came back
Evidently my testosterone is sky high:
Total 348
Free 2.53
Bioavailable 59
Estradiol to Progesterone 314:1.4
I also have low insulin levels which could explain the added strange food sensitivities Ive been experiencing. I either have a migraine or go into a near coma with sugar or carbs. All of this just since March
I just read that elevated testosterone can cause..... drum roll... insomnia, headaches, dizziness, insulin resistance and and and.. near everything that's happening to me. oh and add some nice acne in the last month.
so this doc has just said stop taking everything. we'll retest in a month and can always put back but we need to get to a baseline.
i'd love this group's feedback. are those levels high? has anyone had these experiences? do i just STOP or taper off more slowly? will i have withdrawals? i am NOT interested in another hormonal crazy month. i just vacant afford it with my work.