No PCT required because my endogenous test is made in my adrenals, so no worries about testicular function.
Test was part of a general anti-aging thing from my doc, so I didn't go in with a constellation of symptoms like Katb's - I was wanting some help dialing in adrenals and thyroid, and then we just kind of moved on to optimising sex hormones, bc that's just what my doc is like, and I went along, bc why would not I want to optimise things? But he added some estrogen and progesterone as well. He doesn't treat women with test without giving women's hormones bc he feels they otherwise experience too many masculinising effects (for middle aged women this makes sense - their other hormones are lowering naturally, so I can understand how large test doses could really unbalance things).
Remember I am intentionally taking a smaller dose of test, but yes, there is an increased sense of well-being. I would say there is also a sense of feeling more self-assured, like I felt when I was younger. I feel a little more focused and driven. It is all subtle, but noticeable, if you see what I mean. I would miss it now, but I think those things diminish slowly so it is easy to not notice them going.
I already have a very healthy libido, but test e (of course) makes it even healthier.

That's the reason I don't want to take too much - I found at higher doses I literally thought about sex every single second I was not actually doing it (which was itself a lot) and dreaming about it as well. I could not escape it, and while it was a nice party at first, it got annoying after awhile and I wasn't getting anything else done! I have some more sympathy for men now, having experienced that kind of relentless libido.