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Hi all, my wife is going down the road of HRT and is getting frustrated with conflicting information. She is 54, 5'10", 16%bf and a very active person. She competitively rides horses and exercises daily. I started TRT with great success about two years ago, thanks to this board and she thought it a good idea to go to the A4M physician to get checked out. My wife's complaint was general fatigue and progressive drop in sex drive. This was about 6 months ago. Her initial blood work showed that she had low testosterone and high Estrone, both on 24 hour urine collection test. CBC and SMAC profile were within normal limits. The doc placed her on DHEA, Vit D, DIM3, and progesterone 50mg/daily oral route. She stayed on these supplements until the next blood work which was done in early December. On this blood work, hormone levels were run using blood. Results below:
Testoserone 4 (3-41)
Free testosterone 0.4 (0.0-4.0)
IGF-1. 123. (53-190)
Growth Hormone 0.1. (0.0-10.0)
Progesterone 1.1. (1.7-27.0) luteal phase
Estrone, serum 16. (50-114) luteal phase
After visitng the doc, she decided it was time to place her on Testosterone and estrogen, both transdermal, and raise her progesterone orally from 50mg to 75mg daily. The testosterone cream she was placed on is a 0.8mg/ml formula and the estrogen is 0.5/0.5mg/ml of E2/E3. The estrogen was to be used at 1 click (1/4ml or 0.125mgE2/E3 daily). The testosterone was to be used at 1 click, which is equivalent to 1/4ml or 0.2mg of testosterone, twice weekly for a few weeks and then slowly increase the dose until sex drive comes back or a maximal dose of 4clicks daily or 0.8mg daily of testosterone. The dose gave my wife a bidpg scare about the sides that go along with estrogen therapy so she has not used it. Also, she has used the testosterone as prescribed, but has not noticed any changes. She is disappointed because a number of other people she knows has been very happy with their results. We started trying to get information online but it is difficult to find answers on female HRT specifics. I did find some studies that spoke of doses ranging anywhere from 2.5mg to 10mg daily but really don't know what to think. We were hoping that the informed members of this board could help her out in getting on the proper path. I know this board helped me out greatly in finding the proper doc. This doc helped me out greatly but I am just unsure why she is taking such a conservative approach with my wife. You would think someone could be dialed in better than this in 7 months. Please help!!!
I will try to attach the bloodwork next. The last time I tried to my IPad reset and I lost the whole post. Don't want that to happen again.