Hello, I've been researching the website on steroids for a female. I'm 41 years old & have trained ever since I was 18 but have never ever seen the results I want. I have used Biote Pellets before but didn't see much change. I am currently 134 lbs w/ 24% BF at 5'2. My lowest BF% has been 15% at 110 pds but I lost a ton of muscle to get there. I looked flabby. I am finally starting to understand that steroids are for girls too! After reading quite a bit of info I think I'm ready to take the plunge & see what happens...
This is what I'm thinking (can you offer any advice?):
Anavar 5mg daily for 6 wks
Clenbuterol 20mg daily for 2 weeks (cycling on & off)
HGH - Not sure I should take this with Clen or what is the right dosage is...
Novldex - Not sure what is the right dosage...
Liver Detox Supplement
Vitamin C
Fish Oil
Expel - Water Retention
I currently take Adderall XL, Phentermine 37.5 mg & Prozac 10mg, hopefully I can continue to take these prescriptions while adding the above mentioned drugs.
PLEASE PM Rept. Online Sources!! I'm excited to get started!