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Thread: Need both strength and endurance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Need both strength and endurance

    Thinking of running a cycle of var to boost strength, but am concerned that pumps might interfere with my training. Most training is bodyweight (gymnastics and rock climbing are similar to what I do, reluctant to go into much detail). Should I be thinking along other lines or with a low dose of var will it be possible to gain strength and avoid a sensation that could be dangerous mid air?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Why turn to steroids, is it necessary?

    Do your research, there's plenty of info on here. Using Anavar can lead to unwanted side effects which could in the long run affect your current sporting activity's.

    Var can help with strength, sometimes the pumps can get too much..... So its a possibility this could affect you especially when rock climbing, the last thing you want is a horrible lower back or shoulder pump when your trying to climb.

    in my opinion, steroids are not required for what you want to achieve.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Why turn to steroids, is it necessary?

    Do your research, there's plenty of info on here. Using Anavar can lead to unwanted side effects which could in the long run affect your current sporting activity's.

    Var can help with strength, sometimes the pumps can get too much..... So its a possibility this could affect you especially when rock climbing, the last thing you want is a horrible lower back or shoulder pump when your trying to climb.

    in my opinion, steroids are not required for what you want to achieve.
    To be fair, they are likely not “required” for what most people want to achieve, but helpful nonetheless.

    Thanks for chiming in with your opinion. I am trying to assess the viability of var for sports specific training, rather than body building. It sounds like you are not a fan of this. Do you have actual experience with that in any capacity?

    Also interested in the female perspective/experience. At typical female doses, does a pump lean toward a mild sensation or crippling one? How has it affected you functionally in your sport (aside from lifting more weight in the gym)?
    Last edited by Kiwibird; 05-22-2018 at 09:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwibird View Post
    To be fair, they are likely not “required” for what most people want to achieve, but helpful nonetheless.

    Thanks for chiming in with your opinion. I am trying to assess the viability of var for sports specific training, rather than body building. It sounds like you are not a fan of this. Do you have actual experience with that in any capacity?

    Also interested in the female perspective/experience. At typical female doses, does a pump lean toward a mild sensation or crippling one? How has it affected you functionally in your sport (aside from lifting more weight in the gym)?
    They have their place and I’m not going to advise against using them, I am just giving you my opinion based on experience and research. I will always advise the healthiest option and if the use of the drugs can be avoided then they should be… The necessity of using steroids for rock climbing and strength is low, unless your powerlifting at a high level… But as you’re a climber I am assuming you don’t want to walk around at 270 + lbs…. as this wouldn’t have a positive impact on your level of climbing…

    I have experience in using Anavar, I do not have experience in using it for sport specific training. Why? Because I am not a climber, cyclist, footballer etc… and if I was, I wouldn’t use it.

    Although I am not a competitive powerlifter despite the heavy lifting we do in order to achieve hypertrophy, Anavar is great for your strength, Yes it works and personally it’s one of my favourite drugs to use for strength gains.

    I have no experience/advise to give to females regarding this drug, are you female? If so you should have stated in your initial post. With regards to the pumps, as I said before it varies from person to person, personally the pumps I get in my shoulders and traps are sometimes so bad that I have to stop training mid-session for 5-10 minute to allow blood to shift.

    You said you are reluctant to give us more details as to what you do sport wise, but we need more information to understand why you want to use the drugs…. We also need to know more information about you, your training style/program, nutrition, background etc… Without knowing how can we give you helpful information? If your question is purely to find out more about what the drug does then you have an infinite amount of information on the forum…
    Last edited by Eduke93; 05-23-2018 at 03:08 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Eduke, fair enough and points taken. Not a climber, just to clarify. But my sport does require favorable strength to body weight ratio, which is why I cited that and gymnastics (rings in particular) as being somewhat similar. In fact, now that I think about it, it’s fair to just say I am training rings. Being able to lever and planche takes considerable strength (arguably more than climbing) and the work is intense and isometric (which is why I mentioned endurance, but I guess that term is probably not the correct one). There isn’t a rings category in gymnastics for women because the strength bar is set very high for those skills. I have been training intensely over the past year and have the natural strength and aptitude such that with a bit more I could achieve some very great things generally not done by women.

    Apologies for not specifying my gender; I took for granted that I am posting in the women’s forum. I’ve had difficulty finding experience stories that are relavent, which is why I asked. A lot of folks cite great strength gains as measured by lifts. Or talk about “massive pumps,” but most are male and taking either a combination of things or much higher doses.

    As for training style and nutrition, I train for several hours every day, but given the technical skill involved there is a lot of rest and drills that aren’t strength work. Again, a lot of similarity with gymnastics. Watch a gymnast train and they will be there for hours but only on the apparatus for minutes at a time. I eat a clean diet that I guess you could say is pretty paleo (I do, however, include dairy). I track what I eat because I like data. I am not interested at this point in dieting down to super low bf levels for aesthetics, I eat to perform.
    Last edited by Kiwibird; 05-23-2018 at 10:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwibird View Post
    Eduke, fair enough and points taken. Not a climber, just to clarify. But my sport does require favorable strength to body weight ratio, which is why I cited that and gymnastics (rings in particular) as being somewhat similar. In fact, now that I think about it, it’s fair to just say I am training rings. Being able to lever and planche takes considerable strength (arguably more than climbing) and the work is intense and isometric (which is why I mentioned endurance, but I guess that term is probably not the correct one). There isn’t a rings category in gymnastics for women because the strength bar is set very high for those skills. I have been training intensely over the past year and have the natural strength and aptitude such that with a bit more I could achieve some very great things generally not done by women.

    Apologies for not specifying my gender; I took for granted that I am posting in the women’s forum. I’ve had difficulty finding experience stories that are relavent, which is why I asked. A lot of folks cite great strength gains as measured by lifts. Or talk about “massive pumps,” but most are male and taking either a combination of things or much higher doses.

    As for training style and nutrition, I train for several hours every day, but given the technical skill involved there is a lot of rest and drills that aren’t strength work. Again, a lot of similarity with gymnastics. Watch a gymnast train and they will be there for hours but only on the apparatus for minutes at a time. I eat a clean diet that I guess you could say is pretty paleo (I do, however, include dairy). I track what I eat because I like data. I am not interested at this point in dieting down to super low bf levels for aesthetics, I eat to perform.

    I’m out of this one, clicked on new posts and this popped bad for not checking the category, will open my eyes a bit more next time lol

    Hopefully someone experienced in var and females will chime in and help you, please disregard my advice!
    Last edited by Eduke93; 05-23-2018 at 01:32 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2021


    I myself would watch what I eat, drink alot of water go on long walks and then get yourself into alot of running, join a gym, Semper Fidelis.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I’m a man so I’m not suggesting this for you but I found test and winstrol highly performance enhancing when I played hockey. My endurance was incredible too. I was faster, more agile and could do things I just couldn’t normally. It’s a bit tougher being female but I’m betting primo could be helpful.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Oops this is ancient post lol

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