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Thread: Testing which hormones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern California

    Testing which hormones

    Menopause is kicking my @$$. Fatigue, moody, insomnia, and more "fun" stuff. I'm seeing my primary care doctor Monday. I'll request hormone testing. Any suggestions as to which particular hormones I should have tested?
    Part 2: pretty sure my estrogen is low. Pros and cons to estrogen replacement therapy???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Women hormones are somewhat more complicated then men cause their sex hormone cycle last 28 days, its not a daily cycle like in men.

    Estrogen replacement therapy, has been somewhat left out by MDs because of the breast cancer studies. But the estrogen replacement therapy it is in my opinion wrong, or at least wrongly named. There is a variety of hormones, just replacing estrogen might not solve menopause problems. Better naming is hormone replacement therapy.
    But, again im my opinion, it was done wrong. A replacement therapy should mimic the normal hormonal pattern of the body, well you can see where im going here, if you just take some estrogen it will hardly mimic the female cycle.

    A proper hormonal therapy should try and mimic the follicular, ovulatory and luteal phase. Maybe this is complicated? Well, maybe its not really feasible, I am far from an expert in female endocrinology.

    Tests you can do are:
    Total testosterone and free testosterone
    Prolactin (optional)

    A safer protocol, if your androgens are on the low end, is low dosage testosterone. Some women respond well to this, but it is not free of side effects as we all know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Women hormones are somewhat more complicated then men cause their sex hormone cycle last 28 days, its not a daily cycle like in men.

    Estrogen replacement therapy, has been somewhat left out by MDs because of the breast cancer studies. But the estrogen replacement therapy it is in my opinion wrong, or at least wrongly named. There is a variety of hormones, just replacing estrogen might not solve menopause problems. Better naming is hormone replacement therapy.
    But, again im my opinion, it was done wrong. A replacement therapy should mimic the normal hormonal pattern of the body, well you can see where im going here, if you just take some estrogen it will hardly mimic the female cycle.

    A proper hormonal therapy should try and mimic the follicular, ovulatory and luteal phase. Maybe this is complicated? Well, maybe its not really feasible, I am far from an expert in female endocrinology.

    Tests you can do are:
    Total testosterone and free testosterone
    Prolactin (optional)

    A safer protocol, if your androgens are on the low end, is low dosage testosterone. Some women respond well to this, but it is not free of side effects as we all know.
    The chart is really interesting. When I was having regular periods I always felt best during days 1 or 2 through 7 or so. Second half of the month brought insomnia, headaches, and mood swings.

    I'm tired of getting old. Not crazy about the alternative either, depending on how low my mood swings take me

    Thanks for your response, MrBB

    PS my primary care doctor gave me an Rx for Premarin estrogen vaginal cream. Told me to see ob/gyn for hormone testing and discussion of hrt
    Last edited by PeanutbutterDC; 07-17-2018 at 12:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC View Post
    I'm tired of getting old.
    That makes 2 of us

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