Have been on a TRT gel (AndroGel - first one 5 gram packet and now
three 2.5 gram packets) for almost a year now. Last test showed Total
T level hovering around 350. Would very much like to get it up into
around the 500 range, but without developing hematocrit problems
(which have climbed somewhat with the gel application).
My question is what type of response guys have had with the
transdermal patches - either as their only therapy or especially if
they have tried both the gels and the pacthes at one time or the other.
Unforunatey I have a lot of questions and confusions about the two
types of application. How can one compare the potency of "A" versus
"B"? To obtain the equivalent of 10 grams of AndroGel (say two 5 gram
packets) what would be the patches required for the various
transdermal patches offered (not counting the scrotal patch!).
Lot of info at this link, but a lot is outdated.....
Have also read studies that supposedly showed advantage of absorbability of gel (Testim specifically) over patches, but noted that study was conducted by Testim and that info I read never spelled out amounts of testosterone involved, etc. in the comparison.