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Thread: Transdermals - Gels Versus Patches

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Lakewood. CO

    Transdermals - Gels Versus Patches

    Have been on a TRT gel (AndroGel - first one 5 gram packet and now
    three 2.5 gram packets) for almost a year now. Last test showed Total
    T level hovering around 350. Would very much like to get it up into
    around the 500 range, but without developing hematocrit problems
    (which have climbed somewhat with the gel application).

    My question is what type of response guys have had with the
    transdermal patches - either as their only therapy or especially if
    they have tried both the gels and the pacthes at one time or the other.

    Unforunatey I have a lot of questions and confusions about the two
    types of application. How can one compare the potency of "A" versus
    "B"? To obtain the equivalent of 10 grams of AndroGel (say two 5 gram
    packets) what would be the patches required for the various
    transdermal patches offered (not counting the scrotal patch!).

    Lot of info at this link, but a lot is outdated.....

    Have also read studies that supposedly showed advantage of absorbability of gel (Testim specifically) over patches, but noted that study was conducted by Testim and that info I read never spelled out amounts of testosterone involved, etc. in the comparison.


  2. #2

    Transdermals - Gels Versus Patches

    I am very new to TRT as only being diagnosed only 2 months ago. But I have had some experience with the patch. My family Dr. originally put me on the patch (1 5mg a day) for a short time before I went to see an Urologist, whom took me off it (man can that mess you up).

    I'm no Dr. but it sounds like you would have to use more than one patch and there not that small. They come in 5mg and 2.5mg patches. You also can't put them in the same spot each day they recommend a 7 day cycle. I’m a very active person and have a demanding job, (High heat, moisture, movement) and I couldn’t keep the patches from falling off. I had to even shave the areas where they went to help adhesion.

    Have you looked at getting shots, they might help you achieve the higher level you want easier. I just took my first shot on the 27th and it wasn’t bad at all. Depo-Testosterone is a little thick going in but it didn’t hurt. I plan on giving myself shots so I won’t have to try and get to the Dr. office to have it done

    Last edited by BDATI2D; 08-06-2005 at 09:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Fallon NV
    I was on the patch at first also, and it ate up my skin. I still have what looks like a burn mark on my arm after about 2 months. I am on the shots now Depo Test cypionate 200 mg/1 cc every 2 weeks and I like it better. Use a 18 gage to draw and a 22 to iject it is painless and the fresh sharp needle goes in to the hilt without pain. Not sure if I need a higher does though cause at first I had lots of energy and needed less sleep, but my fourth month in I am feeling fatigued again at times.
    but do feel better than before.

  4. #4
    First, get your doc to up the dosage to two 5gm packets; you should be mid-range not barely accepatable (that certainly is not unreasonable).

    Second, I recommend Testim over Androge (better absorption)l.

    Finally, don't bother with the patches. If you want to 'get more' out of the gel you can always be more carefull with application spot (you can't do that with the patch).

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by freebirdforever
    First, get your doc to up the dosage to two 5gm packets; you should be mid-range not barely accepatable (that certainly is not unreasonable).

    Second, I recommend Testim over Androge (better absorption)l.

    Finally, don't bother with the patches. If you want to 'get more' out of the gel you can always be more carefull with application spot (you can't do that with the patch).
    can you elaborate on the appllication spot.I've tried a little testim on the boys it burns a little but it sure seems to deliver more bang for the buck what is it you have in mind

  6. #6
    RE: "testim on the boys "

    There are skin absorption charts available. My impression of your method would be high/quick absorption [10x higher absorption] but I assume you would need to apply more frequently to maintain that level.

    I'm not looking for that kind of 'bang'. I apply Testim to the inside of the upper arm and armpit area daily [2x higher absorption] and get great results.

    NOTE: I get my Testim legally through a doctor and he does frequent blood tests. He's a great guy - your doc might freak if your T-levels were high.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cableguy680
    can you elaborate on the appllication spot.I've tried a little testim on the boys it burns a little but it sure seems to deliver more bang for the buck what is it you have in mind

    dude you put that stuff on ya balls?
    I used Testim first. Had a good Dr.

    For the record and its been discussed here often. For HRT depo shots are the way to go. Bloodlevels are keep constant and steady.

    I used Testim for about 8 months along with a 1cc shot of Depo every two weeks. We just said to hell with the gel and did injections. Cheaper too also. Had great insurance at the time. I hate shots too. My wife gives me my injections. Couldn't be happier. Well it does hurt. Oh well keeps me from abusings AS.

    There was a guy on here a while a go Scotty I belive. He had pellet injections in his buttocks for replacement. No shots needed. I do belive the only time was the input of new pellets, was the trying time.

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