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Thread: sustanon as part of TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    sustanon as part of TRT

    Bros,I have a doctor who is very cool.Can he prescribe something stronger than test cyp like- sustanon for my TRT and is this legal in the US? what about deca also. My insurance picks up 100% of the cost anyway.Not a bad source if it will work!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    If you want something stronger i dunno why you want sustanon. To my knowledge cypionate has a little more bang. Sust has a different more gradual release time making it a bit milder. Some prefer it to single ester testosterones like cypinate for begineer cycles. However, many can tell that there is a great debate whether sust is worth it for anybody. There are many "sust haters" out there who feel that there is no point to having the gradual buildup of testosterone levels the way sust does it becuase as long as the mg dosage is similar you will be there anyway, so might as well get up to that level earlier on in the cycle. Also, these same people argue that sust should be injected every 4 days to get the most out of it, so to take advantage of one of the esters in it(i think it's propionate), instead of once a week like with cyp. If you don't inject every 4 days your levels rise and fall to sporaticaly do to the different release times in it.
    There are many threads on this debate. It makes sense to me what they are saying. If i had to pick between the two, i think i'd go with cypionate. Less injections, less hassle. There are people who get more blat from cyp., and some get more bloat from sust. It just all depends on how your body handles it. Noones quite the same. I know some guys who said they can't tell any difference between the two drugs, as far as gains, and sides.
    One thing i had when i did sust was iritation and pan at the injection site. Other have reprted this, and some have even gotten what is called the "sustanon flue". One of the esters i belive is responsble for this. It is nothing serious, just a pain in the ass.
    I hope i didn't demonize sustanon for you. Its a good drug and many love it. You would do well with either.
    However, as far as i know, sust generally isn't prescribed by physicians for testosterone therapy. Doctors usaully go with cypionate, enanthate(almost identical to cypionate), Androgel(topical cypionate) and patches.
    You never know if your doctor ordering sustanon will raise any suspicious eyebrows with those losers who call themselves authorities. If he orders cypionate however, i know for a fact they won't so much as look at it twice becuase cypionate is the most commonly prescribed testosterone for andropause(male menopause, low testosterone). I could be wrong about clinical uses of sustanon, so maybe you should look that up,but as far as i know it's not very common. All im saying is, you have an awesome doctor, might as well go with the safe bet and not ruin a good thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Oh. and deca i think is out of the question for clinical use. He might get in trouble for ordering that too.
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 07-01-2005 at 08:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thanks AB,So why is it that other bros on HRT/TRT can get nandrolone decanoate for their therapy ? O and the reason for Sust. was I read and heard it was a stronger easter and a more potent AS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    And yes Doc is the man. I do the research and he writes the scripts..Within the perms of the LAW of coarse....LOL.quess you could say I'm his lab experiment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I can think of at least three clinics right off the top of my head that prescribe nandrolone decanoate. I have never seen sustanon offered. Some clinics will prescribe a blend that would be similar to sust, but of course in the more efficient packaging of multi-use vials rather than amps.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by v-twin
    And yes Doc is the man. I do the research and he writes the scripts..Within the perms of the LAW of coarse....LOL.quess you could say I'm his lab experiment.

    dude get some halo or var or both off him. You use a high enough dose and run it correctly, that's what I would do, hell I am looking at my Dr. know to do a refill. I had deca and winny prescibed for me but I didn't enjoy the winny and deca I couldn'd tell any diffrence except the joints quit hurting.

    god a dr. that will write you what ever is legal. That's a blessing!!!

  8. #8
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    Jul 2005
    Here's a list of some stuff you can get from a US anti-aging clinic.
    I've used this clinic in the past, but they are very pricey. There are a ton more of these types of clinics out there. They don't seem to show it on their web-site yet, but I received a monthly mailer from them recently, and they are offering a sust. like blend of tests. I don't think Sustanon can be legally prescribed in the US. Deca or winny aren't a problem though. You are one lucky bastard if you can get all of this paid for by insurance. :-)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Sustanon is used for TRT/HRT outside of the States often eg SA.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Donkey, our sponsor has much lower prices than that... especially if they run a special or really want your repeat business. I have NEVER seen GH prices that high, even from a clinic! I didn't notice any indication that they require a blood test, or any consultation fee. I would be kind of leery about a clinic that didn't want to see blood work, but I guess that keeps the overall price down at least on the first order. Do they run specials? A two-fer special would get my attention.

    IIRC Oasis does have a blended test but I don't remember the proportions. I just don't like blended test. If I do long and short esters together, it is for a reason, and I want to be able to quickly adjust or stop the short estered test independantly of the long ester.

    BTW they did me a good turn on my last order. I bitched about the hcg coming in 10,000 iu kits, but I noticed that they now offer 5000 iu kits and so I ordered a couple, but instead, they made up some 2500iu kits for me. Now I can go low dose on the hcg and still not waste any due to the short shelf life. I was pretty pumped about that. I think they rock. No, I do not own stock in Oasis LOL! I'm just kind of pleased with them at the moment.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2005
    "I've used this clinic in the past, but they are very pricey. There are a ton more of these types of clinics out there."
    I was merely using that clinic as an example. As you state baron, they are very expensive. they do run specials but it still is way over the top. i wasn't by any means trying to "pump" that particular clinic. they do also require blood tests and a cosultation fee making them all the more expensive.
    For the time being I have found alternative sources, but should I need to use a clinic in the future, I will certainly check out oasis.

  12. #12
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    May 2005

    How to Qualify for Free Test!

    (How's THAT for an eyecatcher?)

    I've been doing a bit of research on the "clinic route". It seems a great idea to get some stuff legitimately, and maybe even have ol' Blue Cross pick up some of the tab.

    Question: If a bloodtest is required (as most places seem to require) how can one temporarily lower one's Test. count beforehand?

    I've heard that as long as your Test. count is "within normal range" the doctors won't do anything for you (By "normal" they mean that you haven't started develping a vagina.)


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    test levels are highest in the a.m., so maybe take the test late in the day? don't eat any fats. smoke some reefer. get hammered the night before.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    (How's THAT for an eyecatcher?)

    I've been doing a bit of research on the "clinic route". It seems a great idea to get some stuff legitimately, and maybe even have ol' Blue Cross pick up some of the tab.

    Question: If a bloodtest is required (as most places seem to require) how can one temporarily lower one's Test. count beforehand?

    I've heard that as long as your Test. count is "within normal range" the doctors won't do anything for you (By "normal" they mean that you haven't started develping a vagina.)


    My test levels were normal FOR MY AGE (I am 46) but the idea is not to get test levels normal for your age, but to get them normal/high for the age you would rather feel like and grow like! If you are over 40, don't worry too much about your test levels! The "rejuvenation" clinics will prescribe as long as you are an old fart like me and report the classic symptoms of aging/ low test on your questionaire and your blood test does not contraindicate the administration of test. A trashed liver, high PSA, extremely high LDL or low HDL and they will probably not prescribe. You family doc is a different animal. Most GPs think it is okay to have test levels normal "for your age", and won't prescribe. They don't want you to be healthier and studlier than they are I guess.

    If you really want to drop your test levels down to nothing, try 100mg of prop ED for 4 weeks, then get tested about 3 weeks after your last shot, with no PCT until after your blood is drawn. You should ber pretty depleted by then... they will probably think you are a chick from your blood test LOL!

  15. #15
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    May 2005
    I know what you mean about General Practitioners not wanting their patients to be bigger studs than they are. I play Rugby, lift heavy, and have built up 265lbs. on my 5'-7" frame. My old Doctor (5'-3" tall and about 120 lbs, my guess) was not only anti-steroids, he was anti-gym! Any problem that came up; cholesterol, joint pain, slightly high blood pressure, etc. had the same diagnosis: Stop lifting! I mean, I could have gone to him with the Clap and he would have said it was a result of too much benching.

    46 isn't an "old fart". There are guys that age in my gym for whom I'm green with envy. Your avatar might be confusing me, but I picture you looking like a buffed up Rutger Hauer. I'm only 36, and sometimes I wonder WHEN did all the 18 year olds start coming complete with pecs and six-pack abs? I mean, when I was 18 most guys, no matter how athletic, were still pretty much either skinny or fat.

    The worst thing about living in a college town is: You age, and everyone on the street stays the same age.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    I know what you mean about General Practitioners not wanting their patients to be bigger studs than they are. I play Rugby, lift heavy, and have built up 265lbs. on my 5'-7" frame. My old Doctor (5'-3" tall and about 120 lbs, my guess) was not only anti-steroids, he was anti-gym! Any problem that came up; cholesterol, joint pain, slightly high blood pressure, etc. had the same diagnosis: Stop lifting! I mean, I could have gone to him with the Clap and he would have said it was a result of too much benching.

    46 isn't an "old fart". There are guys that age in my gym for whom I'm green with envy. Your avatar might be confusing me, but I picture you looking like a buffed up Rutger Hauer. I'm only 36, and sometimes I wonder WHEN did all the 18 year olds start coming complete with pecs and six-pack abs? I mean, when I was 18 most guys, no matter how athletic, were still pretty much either skinny or fat.

    The worst thing about living in a college town is: You age, and everyone on the street stays the same age.


    The avatar is not a pic of me! That picture is of Baron Manfred Von Richtofen, AKA "The Red Baron", of WW1 fame, taken shortly before he was killed in aerial combat. I am not "that" baron. You are right, though... he did have a Hauer-esque look about him.

    I live in the French Quarter, and we see lots of those young guys walking around showing off their turtle-shell abs... but they are all gay, mostly. I guess the gay guys are generally more vain about their appearance, especially about their abs.

    My age actually seems to get me noticed more by the young chicks. They look at me, then they look at their BF or husband who is 25 years younger than me and compare us, and you can see the OOOOOOOOoooooohhhhhh in their eyes! If I was 25 and even if I looked really good, I would be just another buff youngster probably stuck on himself, to the chicks. My gray hair and wisdom lines on my face make me stand out and make my body seem totally unnatural to someone who has been brainwashed by the media into believing that middle-aged men are fat, hairy, smelly, sloppy, unhealthy, and just plain unnattractive, by nature.

    Oops... I haven't said anything on-topic in this post. So I will close with the following words of wisdom...

    "sustanon is okay, if you like sustanon."

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thanks dudes for all your input.Ill have to call doc for a house call and e-mail him this thread.

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