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Thread: Cost of HRT/TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Cost of HRT/TRT

    What is the average cost of HRT/TRT when you insurance won't cover it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by wutang
    What is the average cost of HRT/TRT when you insurance won't cover it?
    $500- 1000 per cycle including pct.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    $500- 1000 per cycle including pct.
    Ummm... what? You don't 'cycle' HRT, bro. You're on it for life, and PCT doesn't work with someone who has a non-functioning HTPA.


    The average cost of a 10ml vial of Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml is 125 dollars. Needles, syringes, and alcohol swabs will total about 30 bucks but will last you 6 months or more. So if insurance doesn't cover it and you're on a protocol that calls for 125mg testosterone per week (hypathetical)... it'll run you about 37 dollars USD. Not bad.

    It's the blood tests and pituitary MRI that are expensive.

    Blood tests (vary) - 500 dollars approx.

    Pituitary MRI - 2300 dollar, in my area of the country

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Mine cost's $200 every month, just for the gel. ( ANDROGEL). 50 MG ed.

  5. #5
    This is interesting - I have found that AG clinics are all over the map on costs - I have two that so far are off one another by a factor of 2! This to me indicates that they are not based on any sort of real cost or typical business model.

    The only good news is that with 2 tries I was able to find a clinic that is able to beat the prices listed in this thread, but I still have no idea how much I should pay.

    Any sugestions on finding real prices? I think it bizarre - it is easy to find the competitive price info of almost anything except medical services/supplies. Nice gig those MDs have.

    Does the "no source" rule apply on the web site when it comes to prescriptions?

  6. #6
    As I've posted numerous places......screw the legal route...just make ur own. The law could give a shit less about Homebrews.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumatic
    As I've posted numerous places......screw the legal route...just make ur own. The law could give a shit less about Homebrews.
    It seems to me that is neither helpful nor relevant to this forum.

  8. #8
    The bro was asking about cost (which is hugely inflated btw) w/ a reference that ins. won't cover it. What other choice does he have cept Homebrews OR getting busted/screwed over?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumatic
    The bro was asking about cost (which is hugely inflated btw) w/ a reference that ins. won't cover it. What other choice does he have cept Homebrews OR getting busted/screwed over?
    There are pharmacies that Do Compounds. The same thing for about $40.

  10. #10
    Sure, but the cost of powder, a kit, and syringes U can get a freakin YEAR'S supply compared to few months worth going ur route. Homebrews ALWAYS will win out over pharms.

  11. #11
    Does anyone out there have information on competitive/comparison pharmacy prices for legitimate TRT/HRT and possibly HGH?

    I have found pharmacy prices for 200mg/week TRT to be about $40/week including supplies, although I have found them to go as high as more than twice that for the exact same prescriptions. Is that reasonable, or should I continue to look for better pricing for my prescription? At what point should I consider that I have found as good a price as I will get for my legitimate pharmacy prescription?

  12. #12
    I'll never understand blind adherance to total BULLSHIT law like the Steroid Control Act.

    H O M E B R E W!!!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumatic
    I'll never understand blind adherance to total BULLSHIT law like the Steroid Control Act.

    H O M E B R E W!!!
    And I fail to understand why you continue to spam this thread when your comments are entirely inappropriate for this forum.

  14. #14
    It's not spam it's like paying someone to teach U squat when U can do the same thing urself for NOTHING. .

    Why not just do it urself? I can tell u after speaking w/ several M.D. Endrocrinologists this shit ain't complicated to do. Just watch the sides and use a long chain ester and that's basically ALL there is to it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Kroms_laugh
    Ummm... what? You don't 'cycle' HRT, bro. You're on it for life, and PCT doesn't work with someone who has a non-functioning HTPA.
    Ummm, you don't cycle HRT? Everyone that is using HRT is on for life? Everyone being treated for hypogonadism has a non-functioning HTPA?

    Pull your head out of your ass, man and read more.

    You are not only pompous, you are abrasive and stupid.
    Last edited by znak; 03-31-2006 at 11:56 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    Ummm, you don't cycle HRT? Everyone that is using HRT is on for life? Everyone being treated for hypogonadism has a non-functioning HTPA.

    Pull your head out of your ass, man and read more.

    You are not only pompous, you are abrasive and stupid.
    One can say the same about you. Especially YOU. For a 50 year old engineer
    you are full of 4 letter words. Didn't you take english. What diploma mill
    sold you your degree?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    One can say the same about you. Especially YOU. For a 50 year old engineer
    you are full of 4 letter words. Didn't you take english. What diploma mill
    sold you your degree?
    Ass has three letters, not four.

    Which diploma, BS, MS or PhD?

    Because English is a proper noun it is capitalized.

    Your insults are as accurate as your advice.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    Ass has three letters, not four.

    Which diploma, BS, MS or PhD?

    Because English is a proper noun it is capitalized.

    Your insults are as accurate as your advice.
    You are dumb as dirt. You are pathetic! State your case like your ignorant compadres. What do you build Crack Houses?

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