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Thread: got my hrt today!! insurance paid it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    got my hrt today!! insurance paid it

    finally got to go back to the doctor, he wanted to put me on the gel but i argued, then he said injection and i said fine, but he wanted me to come in and do it. well i argued cause i travel all over the place and sometimes wouldnt be able to come in. then he said i could find a doctor in the area i was working in, but i kept on. he was worried that i might abuse the stuff and i said the hole reason im have to take the stuff was cause i abused it and i also said he would be able to tell cause there would be blood test, to make a long story short he gave me a script for cypionate and my co-pay was only 5.00$ man that is great. allthough the dosage is small like 200mg every 2 weeks but im going to play is game and hopefully get some gh from him. then ill give myself a little more. anyone have suggestions?????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sounds like you hit the jackpot MD wise - best of luck to you. I wouldn't use more than the script though - he won't renew it if you do - just my .02

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hell, I'd just get some "china yellow", a conversion kit and medicate myself. If someone can prove to me that 250mg/ml of "homebrew" is any less potent than something w/ Organon stamped on the bottle please post proof.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PFT50K
    Hell, I'd just get some "china yellow", a conversion kit and medicate myself. If someone can prove to me that 250mg/ml of "homebrew" is any less potent than something w/ Organon stamped on the bottle please post proof.

    wtf did u read the title of this thread???????????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by OldPLer
    wtf did u read the title of this thread???????????
    did you read his thread, he asked a question about making his own.

    Which is kinda stupid if you ask me. If you can get human grade drugs and have it be legal because you need it. Why would you risk it?
    I didn't understand what the hell he was asking also? The forum is for anti-aging.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    My point IS why even bother w/ the "legal" route? A hormone test costs law enforcement around $400 (from what I've read) and w/out that all the fuzz ca do is arrest U for possession of cookin oil. Which is all they can prove ur in possession (at the scene) of legally. Without a paper trail (eg. a Organon label) U got (0) NOTHING to worry about. A 50ml bottle of (250mg/ml) converted China Yellow w/ 50 (23ga.) syringes MIGHT end up costing $80 total and then U can give urself as much as U want. Going the "legal" route makes NO sense at all to me IF ur endo is like most and VERY resistant to prescribe more than what will barely medicate a 80yr old woman.
    Last edited by PFT50K; 12-06-2005 at 10:30 PM.

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