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Thread: medically prescribed HGH and testosterone therapy vs black market steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    medically prescribed HGH and testosterone therapy vs black market steroids

    I recently had a consultation with a ant-aging clinic and we discussed HGH and testosterone prescriptions sent to me from a pharmacy that were precscribed by a licensed US doctor. Can someone please explain to me how this differs from using black market steroids. Has anybody had experience with these types of clinics.......many seem to be based in Florida.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by prokesian
    I recently had a consultation with a ant-aging clinic and we discussed HGH and testosterone prescriptions sent to me from a pharmacy that were precscribed by a licensed US doctor. Can someone please explain to me how this differs from using black market steroids. Has anybody had experience with these types of clinics.......many seem to be based in Florida.

    Being an ex-Floridaian. Yes they have the HRT game on lock!!!! Its like so many in Boca, and Miami. Most of the places get their stuff from signature compounding pharmacy in Orlando.
    You need to research more this has been answered many times. Oasis and most of the places are legit.
    Do a search on Oasis in the IGF forum and keep poking around you will get tons of threads and info here.

    I myself didn't use a clinic, consulted with many in FL but didn't use any, got a good MD under my insurance plan and went thru that. He knew about signature and HRT/TRT and wrote the scripts. My good insurance plan at the time covered everything and I did good pocket wise. A hole hella lot better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Well, the black market is quite different from the "white market" in that you can get AASs not perscribed for human use and/or not available in the US (dbol, tren, eq, etc). Also, more often that not, unless you have really good insurance then you will pay less on the black market.

    The black market contains everything from legit pharamceuticals to some shit a teenager in cambodia brewed in his basement. So you can be just as safe if you stick to the pharamceuticals as you would with a perscription, but you also run the risk of getting a fake and legal risks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    ok...powerliftmike..thanks for the info. Would you happen to know how effective the "white market" testosterone is? Also, i am not that crazy about needles...can you give me any info on the effectiveness of the test patch or cream or any tablets from a pharmacy. The clinic wants to put me on a combination of HGH and test. I'm guessing thats pretty standard. Do you think a person could make pretty good gains with that combination? To make things more compicated, i suffer from hair loss for which i take propecia and i have acne and am on an oral antibiotic for that. Can i still do a cycle with these existing problems? Thanks for all the help guys. It is greatly appreciated, i am new to this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    as i said ..i am new to this What is the IGF forum???????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by prokesian
    ok...powerliftmike..thanks for the info. Would you happen to know how effective the "white market" testosterone is? Also, i am not that crazy about needles...can you give me any info on the effectiveness of the test patch or cream or any tablets from a pharmacy. The clinic wants to put me on a combination of HGH and test. I'm guessing thats pretty standard. Do you think a person could make pretty good gains with that combination? To make things more compicated, i suffer from hair loss for which i take propecia and i have acne and am on an oral antibiotic for that. Can i still do a cycle with these existing problems? Thanks for all the help guys. It is greatly appreciated, i am new to this.
    I don't think you get it yet. white market would be pharmacy grade. I.E. American pharm company. If you are taking hair loss and anti-biotics, You might have to figure out how the drugs would interact with each other. Also You are not doing a cycle if its HRT/TRT. You are supplementing what your body isn't producing to the fullest. Is it life threating?
    you won't get tablets but the compounded pharmacies try to push oral test and I haven't tried it but my wife is on it. So far its not effective. Then the needle issue, well you won't be doing test or gh because it involves needlesl.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by kaorialfred
    I don't think you get it yet. white market would be pharmacy grade. I.E. American pharm company. If you are taking hair loss and anti-biotics, You might have to figure out how the drugs would interact with each other. Also You are not doing a cycle if its HRT/TRT. You are supplementing what your body isn't producing to the fullest. Is it life threating?
    you won't get tablets but the compounded pharmacies try to push oral test and I haven't tried it but my wife is on it. So far its not effective. Then the needle issue, well you won't be doing test or gh because it involves needlesl.
    Yes. hGH has to be administered with needles. For testosterone you have the patch, the cream, oral andriol, and injection. Injectable test is by far the best method. Cream would be more effective than a patch or andriol in most patients, but still considerably less than test injections. White market testosterone is pharmaceutical grade and so is quiet a good product.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by prokesian
    as i said ..i am new to this What is the IGF forum???????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    thanks....kaorialfred. I wanted to respond to your comment about wheather or not i would actually be doing a cycle. These anti aging clinics in florida have basically told me that no matter what my testosterone levels are, the doctors will prescribe test. Basically it is a legal way for them to prescribe testosterone.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You should go with the prescribed instead..unless you want to really pack on the pounds. I have been on HGH, HCG for the last 1.5 years its great..I look forward to every day.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    how low were your testosterone levels when you started?

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