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Thread: Starting TRT in remote country with little resources

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines

    Starting TRT in remote country with little resources


    I am starting TRT and I live in the Philippines. My doctor concluded I need TRT.
    My doctor only has access to Andriol and Proviron as these are the only ones available in our country and obviously not effective for long term TRT. He said I can buy T online (enanthate) (from the black market) as we are left with no other options. Legal online pharmacies won't accept a foreign doctor's prescription.

    I know its against the rules to ask for a source but can someone help me out with my predicament?

    I am 22

    Here is my blood work results:

    Total T confirmed 3 times
    results: 340 ng/dl at night to high of 390 ng/dl at morning (normal range is 270 - 1070)
    Free T test not available in this country.
    Estradiol high normal with 38 pg/dl (normal range is 0 - 44)

    I had gynecomastia since age 11 and was surgically removed at age 21. Gyne developed without intake of any steroids.

    My doc told me to take one shot of enanthathe (250mg) a month and work from there since we are afraid gyne could come back.

    Now our only problem is where to get any.

    Last edited by fujaing; 05-22-2006 at 07:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Do you have any opportunity to get to Bangkok ? If so you can buy Test E over the counter there. Now 250mg per month is not enough to treat you. You should be looking at 100mg Test E per week and work up from there. Monthly shots will not keep your hormone levels stable enough either. If you had the Gyno cut out then it should never come back if they removed the glands behind the nipples. One thing you can try is talk to some of the bigger bouncers at the bars in P.Burgos in Makarti City I have been offered juice there a couple of times and I have seen other guys post in threads saying they have bouncers there as reliable sources. Be careful though because I am sure they will try and rip you off.
    Last edited by Kale; 02-23-2006 at 03:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    I belive not all of the glands has been removed because I only did lypo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fujaing
    I belive not all of the glands has been removed because I only did lypo.
    Ah wel yopu can control the gyno with anti estrogen drugs such as Nolvadex and Arimidex. They will be easier for you to buy, just click on the words in this thread

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Do you have any opportunity to get to Bangkok ? If so you can buy Test E over the counter there. Now 250mg per month is not enough to treat you. You should be looking at 100mg Test E per week and work up from there. Monthly shots will not keep your hormone levels stable enough either. If you had the Gyno cut out then it should never come back if they removed the glands behind the nipples. One thing you can try is talk to some of the bigger bouncers at the bars in P.Burgos in Makarti City I have been offered juice there a couple of times and I have seen other guys post in threads saying they have bouncers there as reliable sources. Be careful though because I am sure they will try and rip you off.
    The reason why we decided initially to take 250mg/month is because most of the T-Enanthate preparations are sold 250mg/ml. If I were to buy an amp it would be a waste to draw out half a cc of T then discard the rest. With periodic bloodwork my doctor will adjust to once every 3 weeks or once every 2 weeks if needed.

    Our goal is to achieve an average of 700 ng/dl of T and above and to have a minimum of 500 ng/dl before the next shot while keeping estradiol levels below 30pg/dl.

    I am seeking virilization and a defined male physique and not into body building and T-E would be perfect for its androgenic effects. One major concern is possible return of gyne.

    As for finding a source I am currently test buying 2 online pharmacies. I hope they will be trustworthy unless I find a source locally.

    Most doctors here are not familiar with TRT because they view it as not necessary and most patients cannot afford it for the long term. I had to visit three doctors and finally find one who will prescribe but he doesn't know of a source for T-Enanthate because nobody actually seeks TRT here.
    I think BB and AAS scene here is almost non-existent because of the same reason. Maybe I should move?
    Last edited by fujaing; 02-23-2006 at 05:50 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Well going to bangkok is too much hassle for me. I have read of a company called X***x Pharma who manufactures testosterone esters locally. Anybody heard of them?

    Some one who lives in the Philippines please help me!
    Last edited by fujaing; 02-28-2006 at 08:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    check ur mail bro...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Thanks Sagad...

    One other option is for me to make my own test-e or test-cyp. Since no compounding pharmacies can be found in this country I will have to compound testosterone myself.

    I have learned how to do that by reading the lab forum here and I can get all supplies except for the test powders. I have one China source but am afraid to buy because 1. possible scam 2. fake powders. Can somebody email me so I can do a source check?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hey Kevin.. i got your PM and i'll try to assist as i can.

    As to any 'helpful' PMs you may have already received... You now have PM priviledges so it'd be advisable to check each 'source' with a Mod or a Vet before purchasing.

    This is to ensure your safety.

    In addition, please don't name companies on the open board bro.. Thanks

    When you do make your order.. providing that such happens, i suggest you do all the reading you can in the interlude: TRT; aromatase inhibitors (AIs); SERMs; SERMs' and AIs' affects on blood lipids... anything you can find to make your choice a safe one.

    Good luck Kev


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    "When you do make your order.. providing that such happens, i suggest you do all the reading you can in the interlude: TRT; aromatase inhibitors (AIs); SERMs; SERMs' and AIs' affects on blood lipids... anything you can find to make your choice a safe one."

    SERMs' and AIs' affects on blood lipids... this one I gotta reasearch all the rest I am already familiar with.. thanks...


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Guys I have decided to compound myself injectable testosterones. I have never injected myself before and I think it will be inconvienient for me to take 100mg/week. I also do not wish to be reminded every week that I am on TRT for life.

    My question is will I come to like the injections once I have started? I have been at a lost deciding whether to initially give myself 100mg/week or 200mg EOW. I hate needles and the less frequent I give myself injections the better. I am also worried about needle fatigue...
    Last edited by fujaing; 03-06-2006 at 02:05 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Alright guys just thought I might give a little update with regards to my situation.

    I have decided to ditch my doctor and do my own Testosterone Replacement Therapy. He doesn't know a thing about TRT and nither did any doctor in this country. He told me to take 100mg/MONTH of Testosterone Enanthate and work from there and I figured it will take months before my Testosterone levels actually get tuned up.

    So I have decided to do it on my own following Dr. John Crisler/Swale's recommendations for TRT which can be found on this thread:

    I have also overcame my fear of needles and actually looking forward to my weekly shots as it is painless and easier compared to swallowing 3 pills at a time.

    Following Swale's guidelines I "frontload" 200mg Galenika test e on the first week and I do notice the kick. For succeeding weeks I injected 100mg of homebrew Test E EW. I will be doing bloodwork to test my T and Estradiol levels on my fifth week just before my sixth shot to see my "trough level".

    I will also find out if the powders Im getting from my source are the real thing as it will reflect on my bloodwork. Wish me luck guys!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Awsome bro, I am glad it is workimg out for you. doses sound good too

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    thanks bro!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Well my results came in and guess what?
    Total Testosterone - 792.859 (normal range 270 - 1070)
    Estradiol - 33.085 (normal range 0 - 44)
    I am happy at these levels... It was taken just before my next shot and it also proves that i got legitimate powders.
    Last edited by fujaing; 05-22-2006 at 07:09 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fujaing
    Well my results came in and guess what?
    Total Testosterone - 792.859 (normal range 270 - 1070)
    Estradiol - 33.085 (normal range 0 - 44)
    I am happy with this levels... It was taken just before my next shot and it also proves that i got legitimate powders.
    Greta news bro. And you made the Test yourself ?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    Yup, considering my situation this is the best I could do for myself.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Weekly shots? I shoot daily! Smaller shots daily reduce sides considerably for me. Even though there is a fairly long half-life for enanthate or cypionate, there is still going to be a spike in levels. Oscillations of SHBG, aromatase activity, free test, etc all are undesireable, particularly at superphysiological doses.

    I, too, am prone to gyno, after doing something a bit silly a couple of years ago. Letro knocks it dead and reduces affected tissues in 3-4 weeks for me, and nolvadex controls it fairly well if I don't forget, don't run out, don't just say to hell with it.

    Even 100mg/week is quite low. Really, there is no reason to be satisfied with test levels that are normal for your age when you can just as easily have test levels that are normal for a 20 year old. It is very unlikely that you would get gyno from less than about 300mg/week even if you are prone to it. I currently run 100mg/day but I am thinking of cutting back a bit.

    Injections are absolutely no biggie with proper technique. ALWAYS use a fresh, sharp pin when injecting... never the same pin you drew up the medication with. Rubber stoppers on vials and the glass sides of amps will dull the pin. Also it is easier to use a larger guage pin to draw, and the smallest practical (usually 25g) to shoot. Stretch the skin a bit, and "dart" it in the first 1/4 inch, then slowly insert, being aware of any nerves and stuff. After aspirating, push the juice in slowly. I like to leave a small air bubble to purge the wastage out of the head of the syringe and the ferrule of the needle. If a tiny bit of air is accidentally injected, it truly is no biggie. It only has consequences if you are in a vein, and if you are in a vein then the oil is even worse than a bit of air, so don't sweat that. This saves a lot of gear over a year or so. Anyway, massage well after injecting. Rotate your sites. Shoulders, pecs, quads, glutes, even biceps are good, especially with a 25g needle. Scarring is minimal and usually not noticeable even after long term use, with a fine pin.

    Congrats on making rolling yer own! But you might consider getting connected through the bodybuilding community. Find out about shows in PI, and find out what gyms competitive BBers use. Same with powerlifting. I just can't believe that test cyp or E are not cheaply available somewhere in the country.

    Good luck!

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