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Thread: To HRT or not to HRT? VERY DEPRESSED

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Planet Earth

    To HRT or not to HRT? VERY DEPRESSED

    My last cycle ****ed me up very badly. I finished last November, ran a very prolonged PCTs since then, been on tribulus, tongkat, redkat, hcg, etc. etc. For nothing.

    A month ago after blood work my free test was at 150. I am pretty screwed up. No sex drive; I mean I can get hard if I want to, I just dont have the desire or drive to have sex with my gf or even jerk off, there is always something "more interesting" to do. Also at the gym I have been pretty much stuck for all these months (of course who would gain mass at those levels?) Other than that, I am "ok" THe mood swings are not that bad, I dont feel tired and can concentrate pretty well.

    My question is, should I just accept the fact that I will have to be on test for life? When do you know it is time to put up the white flag and just start taking exogenous test? I want my body to recover SO BADLY but at the same time I want to stop feeling like shit, I want to stop wasting all those hours at the gym.

    Is there anything else I can do? Should I run another PCT? Wait longer see if my natty test comes back? I just dont know how much longer I can go being asexual it SUCKS!!

    Please any advice from experienced HRT bros who might have been thru the same dilema would be greatly greatly appreciated.

    I dont know what to do, I am only 30 and I want to have kids still. I am extremely depressed because of this. I am a little happy for being given the oppt of becoming normal again, but the thought of being dependent on weekly injections for life is crushing me.

    HELP with ideas
    Last edited by Phyll; 03-10-2006 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Planet Earth

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Paranaque, Philippines
    You need a doctor... an endocrinologist

  4. #4

    What are you taking?

    Are you taking any Testosterone??? I had some of the symptoms as you, but I was always tired and couldn't do anything. I worked out in the gym for years and made no progress, tough after being a teenage bodybuilder- natural.

    Anyway, it's been about 3 months since I've been on Testosterone Cypionate. I am on IM (intramuscular injections) 200mg every other week. My life has totally turned around - I have energy to do things on the weekend, It's easier for me to get up, I have a desire now to go to the gym again. Overall, this is saving my life. I'm only 33, but could give a shit if I have to be on this for life because of the results that I'm feeling. you'd be surprised how forward you look to the shots. to me it's no big deal.

    A couple things that I've noticed is that although 8 days after one of my injections, I was in the 750 range for test, I think I feel better the first week. I am going to look into trying to inject myself 100mg/week so I stay at more even levels.

    It worked for me - maybe you should look into test cyp. if you not already on it....make sure you have a good doc that with monitor your blood work. good luck.

    Also forgot to mention that I am horny as hell!!!! My wife definately saw an increase in sex I think she's gettitng annoyed because I need it all of the time - definately works!
    Last edited by SHANEDOGG; 03-11-2006 at 12:02 PM. Reason: added comments

  5. #5
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    Nov 2003
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by fujaing
    You need a doctor... an endocrinologist
    Bro I have been to a doc... Three actually. It all started with my urologist who sent me to a nasty endoc and then I found a good doc on my own who wants me to start cyp.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by SHANEDOGG
    Are you taking any Testosterone??? I had some of the symptoms as you, but I was always tired and couldn't do anything. I worked out in the gym for years and made no progress, tough after being a teenage bodybuilder- natural.

    Anyway, it's been about 3 months since I've been on Testosterone Cypionate. I am on IM (intramuscular injections) 200mg every other week. My life has totally turned around - I have energy to do things on the weekend, It's easier for me to get up, I have a desire now to go to the gym again. Overall, this is saving my life. I'm only 33, but could give a shit if I have to be on this for life because of the results that I'm feeling. you'd be surprised how forward you look to the shots. to me it's no big deal.

    A couple things that I've noticed is that although 8 days after one of my injections, I was in the 750 range for test, I think I feel better the first week. I am going to look into trying to inject myself 100mg/week so I stay at more even levels.

    It worked for me - maybe you should look into test cyp. if you not already on it....make sure you have a good doc that with monitor your blood work. good luck.

    Also forgot to mention that I am horny as hell!!!! My wife definately saw an increase in sex I think she's gettitng annoyed because I need it all of the time - definately works!
    Hey bro I am glad it is all working out for you. That's very cool.

    Yes, I took one shot of cyp (200mg.) I was feeling good about it but after the shot I started having all these doubts again. My primary concern is fertility I guess. And being dependent on these shots, I guess it will take a while to get used to specially when I was "normal" (for the lack of a better word, sorry) less than a year ago, before my last cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    If your insurance pays for visits, why not go every week for a shot.?
    Do a little Gh. Get those test levels up to 1,000 you will feel great. Get
    the GH levels to 300.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Phyll
    Hey bro I am glad it is all working out for you. That's very cool.

    Yes, I took one shot of cyp (200mg.) I was feeling good about it but after the shot I started having all these doubts again. My primary concern is fertility I guess. And being dependent on these shots, I guess it will take a while to get used to specially when I was "normal" (for the lack of a better word, sorry) less than a year ago, before my last cycle.
    A valid concern. Test cyp will make sure you are completely shut down and stop sperm production. Sometimes it takes more than 3-4 months to recover. I was low for a year after one of my last cycles and now went on HRT, but I am over 40 and have all the kids I want.

    I would recomend trying to find a sharp endocrinologist that will try to shock you back with proper HCG and clomid therapy. You should have been on clomid 100mgs a day for at least a month. Then you give it at least 6 months before throwing in the towel, with monthly blood work to see if there is gradual improvement. 30 is still very young to go on HRT if it was cycle induced, you still may be able to recover fully over time. Good luck and keep us informed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    I don't think the test is the problem. sounds like your blood sugar levels from your previous posts. Have you gotten your estrogen levels checked. You might have to much estro. If you got high blood sugar you got to watch what you eat.
    Depression might be caused by almost anything. The less stuff you take the less interactions. Becareful and good luck.

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