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Are you taking any Testosterone??? I had some of the symptoms as you, but I was always tired and couldn't do anything. I worked out in the gym for years and made no progress, tough after being a teenage bodybuilder- natural.
Anyway, it's been about 3 months since I've been on Testosterone Cypionate. I am on IM (intramuscular injections) 200mg every other week. My life has totally turned around - I have energy to do things on the weekend, It's easier for me to get up, I have a desire now to go to the gym again. Overall, this is saving my life. I'm only 33, but could give a shit if I have to be on this for life because of the results that I'm feeling. you'd be surprised how forward you look to the shots. to me it's no big deal.
A couple things that I've noticed is that although 8 days after one of my injections, I was in the 750 range for test, I think I feel better the first week. I am going to look into trying to inject myself 100mg/week so I stay at more even levels.
It worked for me - maybe you should look into test cyp. if you not already on it....make sure you have a good doc that with monitor your blood work. good luck.
Also forgot to mention that I am horny as hell!!!! My wife definately saw an increase in sex drive....now I think she's gettitng annoyed because I need it all of the time - definately works!