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Thread: androgel dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    androgel dose

    I got my test measured twice. the 1st time it was 169. The 2nd time 3 weeks later it was only 117. My dr insisted on testing twice before he perscribed androgel 1 tube a day. My question is 1 tube per day enough to get my levels back up to where they should be for a 44 yr old. Does that sound like a dose that most drs would start with? My dr is usually willing to help out in anyway he can but I dont think he is really up on hrt. thx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    yes 5mg of androgel daily is a good starting dose.
    read swale's RECIPE FOR TRT:-

    stable levels are usually achieved after 2-3 days.
    you should get retested after 2 weeks to see your levels.

    avoid the crook of your arm when applying the gel prior to your test blood tests as this can affect the results.

    after blood results the dose might be fine of it may need increased to 7.5-10mg/day or change to injections as if you need 10mg/day of androgel it can become a hassle.
    blood tests will dictate what you need but 5mg/day is definitely a suitable starting point.
    Last edited by toc67guru; 03-12-2006 at 05:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    There all good people. Thanks!
    Last edited by Ufa; 04-03-2006 at 12:03 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    NY, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Don't read Swale's anything. He'll have you on female fertility drugs that have no long term results on humans. The mice love it. I'm way older than you and my total test is about 900+ Weekly injections for me. However, when first starting the gels might help your system get used to the test your body has forgotton how to deal with.
    A friend of mine is using 20% Test Prop Gel and gets great results. He gets it from a compounding pharmacy. Is this better than Androgel or Testim?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Thanks for the advice.
    Last edited by Ufa; 04-03-2006 at 12:03 AM.

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