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Thread: hgh update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies

    hgh update

    Finished my first 10 weeks of gh. 2 iu/day, 5/2. Used jin. I realize this is all anedoctal but thought it might contribute something. i had surgery on my left hip for a torn labrum, while in there the doc found some osteoarthritis. He cleaned up the tear etc...Months of physical therapy to strengthen the supporting structure and i was still in pain 24/7, not bad earth shaking pain, but more than a few tylenol could take of. So i decided to give gh a run....long story short, it helped, alot. the pain was gone, and i was beginning to feel the joint become more flexible. For a number of reasons I had to stop, not due to any sides, I had none, but I had a spate of travel, family visiting...yada yada yada...and now after about 3 weeks the pain is coming back again...slowly, but surely. I'm getting another kit to run another 10 weeks, but i have to be gone for a month starting in april and will not try to travel with my gear on a plane and in a hotel so I'll have 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off, then back on again. I also began to see the benefits of leaning you out some. Nothing dramatic, but still enough that i could tell. Anyway thats all bros...hope this provided something to someone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    That's good to hear that you had good results with such a low dose and for only 10 weeks.

    I'm not sure why your pain is coming back though, it seems to me that the hgh was helping it heal faster, and once it was healed it shouldn't be getting worse. Unless there is something still wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    I think the pain is from the arthritis..which will get progressevly get worse. But I believe the gh helped strengthen the supporting soft tissue. Just my uneducated observation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Have fun brain child.
    Last edited by Ufa; 05-19-2006 at 10:45 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I was at a drugstore the other day and saw a diabetic travel kit. It kept your stuff clod and what not. I wonder if you took the labels of your stuff if you could travel around with it like that. I probly wouldn't but thought I'd let you know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I'm using the same dose/frequency of HGH for a shoulder injury that has been a problem for 15 years. I inject all around the joint each week and in two weeks an improvement has become apparent. Will continue until bench presses do not bother it any more.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks for letting us know how it is effecting you. I am on 4IU's ED and see minor effects. I am going on 5 months now and plan to continue. I am glad to hear it effects you in a noticeable way. Good luck.

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