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Thread: 30 yrs old and considering....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    30 yrs old and considering....

    HRT/TRT. Long story short, I'm in the military and have been researching all avenues of steroid usage for some time now. I am slowly but surley getting my diet in line with where it needs to be. I am considering going the HRT route, obviously since it is administered and followed up by the care of a physician...and it is legal!! So what are my options?

    Assuming that HRT would be right for me, what can I expect. I'm not looking to become freakish, just solid, cut and healthy.

    -Will i get the results I'm looking for?
    -What can I expect to pay for treatment?

    Any of you guys that have gone this route can you share some input?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    USA South east
    I started HRT 3 weeks ago, I am 36 years old, my diet is in line so is my exercise program and my supplements program, after 3 weeks I still have not seen any results nor did I expected to see any so soon, but I understand for the teraphy to show results you need to stick to it for 6 months minimum, the cost for my teraphy Test + HGH is about $ 700 month.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    Quote Originally Posted by archeryblackdog
    I started HRT 3 weeks ago, I am 36 years old, my diet is in line so is my exercise program and my supplements program, after 3 weeks I still have not seen any results nor did I expected to see any so soon, but I understand for the teraphy to show results you need to stick to it for 6 months minimum, the cost for my teraphy Test + HGH is about $ 700 month.
    Are you being treated by a clinic, or your own doctor?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by archeryblackdog
    I started HRT 3 weeks ago, I am 36 years old, my diet is in line so is my exercise program and my supplements program, after 3 weeks I still have not seen any results nor did I expected to see any so soon, but I understand for the teraphy to show results you need to stick to it for 6 months minimum, the cost for my teraphy Test + HGH is about $ 700 month.
    Not trying to be an ass, but did you legitimately need HRT? What kind of program are you on?

    Right now my quote is for $1100 to start for a 10 week program. I've contacted a doc in San Diego. After the initial fee's the program continues at, I believe $350 a month. I just can't afford that right now. The only advantage i have in my court is if my military insurance would cover HRT...then it would be absolutely no problem at all. The only glitch is going through my primary care manager and getting them to buy off on treatment at a local clinic.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    If you are diagnosed with low or low normal test levels it is usually not difficult to get treatment from your primary doctor. you may need to educate him/her some, but most will provide something, even if it is the dreaded Androgel. Most doctors will not however, prescribe many of the things you can get from the Aging Clinics, or TRT clinics, like hcg, hgh,winstrol, etc... Yes, if your test has been low, TRT will make a difference. Most non-clinic TRT doctors will not want your levels to rise much above 600 to 750. The clinics will let you run up near the top at 1000. Even at the midrange levels you should have fat loss, better energy, better workouts, better pumps, and obviously better gains...not near the type you would have during a cycle, but better than you have now. Check out Swales comments on TRT, I believe it is a sticky on here...its great info. Good Luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    USA South east
    I am being treated by a clinic, very good service, full medicals and Blood work every few months. as if I need it the treatment, well my total Test was pretty high, my free test was medium low and my HGH was med low as well (Sorry but i do not remember the values and the written results are back in the house) so I guess I really didnt need the treatment, but on the other hand I am 36, I look 46, and I feel like 56, so you will se my point of view, besides figured it would boost my weigth training results and overall motivation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I'm about to be but on TRT, and so far i havent dished out any money. It has all been covered by my insurance. I only have to pay 20% of what they dont cover. Whats inculded in your guy's regime? what type of testosterone, Anit E, bloob work, etc??
    Last edited by mindongoal; 04-11-2006 at 04:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Teabagger is telling it like it is and thanks for it. Guess it's time to find out what a sticky is.
    Cost is similar to mindongoal's...I can get injectables with my insurance and only pay 20 percent, but to me, with 4 kids....AINT GONNA HAPPEN! 50 bucks gets me 90 days of Androgel or 100 bucks for the same shit with a different name (Testim).
    I think a primary doc will give a script but mine was leary....which I can't blame him..but I went to an Endocrinologist and after one more blood test and a quick prostate check, I had some samples and a script in hand. Your right it is nice to be monitored by a physician.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy
    HRT/TRT. Long story short, I'm in the military and have been researching all avenues of steroid usage for some time now. I am slowly but surley getting my diet in line with where it needs to be. I am considering going the HRT route, obviously since it is administered and followed up by the care of a physician...and it is legal!! So what are my options?

    Assuming that HRT would be right for me, what can I expect. I'm not looking to become freakish, just solid, cut and healthy.

    -Will i get the results I'm looking for?
    -What can I expect to pay for treatment?

    Any of you guys that have gone this route can you share some input?

    So what were the results of your blood test that led to you needing HRT at 30?

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