why is not andriol (testosterone undecanoate ) used in HRT?
for thouse who are afraid of doing injections of testosteron,and those who dont want to use androgel becouse of prostateissues.
why is not andriol used...who is testosteron in an oral compound.
I have read somewhere that andriol does not shut down you hpta in doses under 160mg...anyone has any comments of that?
I have been doing steroids like two 8-12 weeks cycles a year for the last 5-6 years.and the only time under these years I have felt good has been under my cycles.time between I have felt really like shit.I have read probably many 100 hours about how steroids works and interefere with your body own production of testosteron,and several other hormons aswell.
I have realized why I dont work proparely and normal,like you should if you have a normal functional body.
I am consistent tired all day,no motivaion,I often sleep when i got home for work,it feels like I dont care about anything anymore,its encredible hard to wake up in the morning to get to work and I am consistenty anxious and a little depressed.
in novenber last year i went to a doctor for depression,and i prescriebed me remeron(antidepressant)I used it like 6 month but it did not help,so I went to see my doctor a week ago.he prescriebed another medicaition(zoloft) that he thougt I should try.I havent tried it yet,but i will and see if it helps...though I dont think that is were the problem lies.know i dont feel really depressed,more like i am som ****in tired all the time
I have come to the conclusion that i kneed to se my doc andm loodwork.the thing is that i think my hpta did not work properly before I did my first cycle...that was probably the reason i did steroids the first time.
and I can say that it felt like the holy grale,I functioned normal and felt tottally changed in personality in the better way
I live in sweden,and I really dont know what the routines to cure low testosteron are here...but I think andriol is most prescriebed...thats why I woundered what your experiences of that is for HRT.
the most thing i am worried about is that the testicles shrink while on HRT...my testiclesize is allready in the lower range and thats really makes me feel like shit.
one more thing i came to think of is that i have used HCG in cycles to get my balls back(and as PCT to) but instead of bringing my nuts back they have offently shrink instead?? anyone who has any idea why i dont respond to HcG like you should do?
and clomid works to restore my tests to normal size while I take it,but when I discontinoue therapy they shrink again a couple of weeks later...I really start to give up hope for a normal functionig life more and more...like someone said earlier...a life without testosteron is not a life worth living.
anyone who can give me some advice would really be appreciated.
one more thing i could share that maybe could bee of intressed is that i have done 600iu jintropin and 3mg igf-1 like a year ago,and i did not respond to it like many other users report.you are supposed to feel a higher sense of wellbeing...well i felt like shit all the time,and was tired like hell.after about 6 month between 2-4 iu ed 5/2 i got real sick...I have strong believes that my thyroid did not work probably and tha my bloodsugar was out of range,from what i have learned after that cycle...
anyway know i maybe went out of line of what I really asked...and that was about andriol use for HRT?
thanks pareec!