Gentleman, A question if I might.
Stats first.
I am 43 years new, but slightly worn in spots.
Free and total Test 336
Free Test 84.9
6 foot tall and weigh 188 pounds.
My BF is right around 18%.
I hit the gym 3 to 4 times a week. 45 to 60 minutes per visit.
Cardio is not my friend.
I have cycled once recently ( Test E 1cc 2 time a week) and loved it ( except the bloating)
If I could, I would be on that all the time. Felt great!
As I read about TRT and follow that it is not supposed to be cycled, I don’t really see a prescribed way for constant injections of Test.
What I mean is, if TRT is the criteria then what kind regiment would one need to maintain an acceptable Test level without have to worry about losing your nuts, growing breasts and any other less that pleasant side affects?
Is there such a regime?
Thanks for the read and any input on this subject.