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Thread: Lil' Help Please...Should I get a 2nd opinion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question Lil' Help Please...Should I get a 2nd opinion?

    Any FB is greatly appreciated!

    My endo had a cancellation I was able to get in early to discuss my test levels after 14 days on the starting dose of androgel. Well, the doctor says what brings you back so soon???? I said I wanted to see if my levels have improved and that the manufacturer brochure that comes with the gel says to retest in approx. 14 days...she said...WELL WE DON'T DO THAT HERE....IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A 90 DAY RECHECK AND I'M GONNA CALL THE MANUFACTURER....BLAH BLAH BLAH....
    as a matter a fact ....i thought she was a bit snippy this time (the first 2 visits were quite pleasant) maybe she has some people trying to pull stuff?? and I brought up GH and she wondered why i would even bring up that...and back to the testosterone levels....after 14 total test level was DOWN from 298 to 140!!!!!!!...i had a MRI of the pituitary and it came back fine and prostate numbers were good too...but she said that it could take up to a YEAR to get normal #'s....that doesn't sound consistent to the manufacturer's brochure...she said she had a bad case of upping dose too soon and dood had RAGE and shit and bad I'm wondering if a 2nd Opinion is in line?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-22-2006 at 04:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Always get a 2nd opinion. Remember half of all docs graduated in the bottom half of their class.

    I would not recommend the Florida clinics if you are able to find a good local endocrinologist and have a real test defficiency.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    What dosage of androgel are on you on? 2.5, 5, 7.5, or 10? The literature indicates their studies show blood levels attaining max in roughly 30 days. I know your frustration with your endo. You should probably be starting out on 5 per day. The 2.5 is really only made so you can up the dosage to 7.5. I would probably consider getting a second opinion. It is important to esbablish with your MD that you have every intention of being an active decision maker in your health care, rather than a passive lab rat. Some MD cannot handle this attitude...if so move on. I'm gonna post my journey and the end result...maybe it will help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    exactly..that was the message i got from her this last visit...i was asking too many ??? and not "listening" enough to HER.....she started me on 5mg a day....but have some xxtras from samples and last couple of days i doubled and today got an awesome pump like i haven't experienced in a long long time...i think that's all i needed all along...but it's early yet....i have a positive outlook anyway and i am going to look for a 2nd Opinion....thanks a lot for everyone's help.

  6. #6
    140 ng/dl?

    Wow, that is VERY low, that is the level of a Eunuch.

    Anything below 300 is hypogonadism.

    Anything below 200 and depression can be so bad you are at a suicide risk.

    You need to get that test level back up to at LEAST 500 ng/dl, and NOT wait a full year.

    Get a second opinion, your endo is a woman, who IMHO thinks the idea of castrated men is funny.

    I preffer injections of 200mg a week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Interesting POV...thanks ....I never expected my levels to go DOWN after starting a treatment that is supposed to make them greater. I'll be calling around Monday ...thanks again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Central NY
    A second opinion in medicine is ALWAYS a good idea!! It's a science and an imperfect one at that. There is much to learn and most docs it seems, educate themselves in what they are most likely to face in their daily practice for many reasons. It's up to us to push this to the forefront. It is valid!! I wish you the best. Keep us up to date.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thanks NY...i will keep it updated and real....I did feel really good on my last workout after doubling my dose for the 3 days reasoning was to take double doses on the days that I go heavy and only the single dose on aerobic/off days until the doc gave me a bigger dose, then she shot me I have enough samples to go along with my script to probably keep that regime going of the doubling on heavy main goal is to lose fat since I am 6' 3" 244 (probably 20 % BF) and I did lose 5 lbs the 3rd week since the gel...weigh day is tommorrow for an the way...anyone know how to calc BF% if you know the LBM already...I forgot exactly...the way I'm figuring is 16%, but there AINT NO WAY!
    thanks again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Went to endo #2 today...he agreed that my dose could have been higher after the low test score and gave me a script for 10 mg (what I asked for and have been taking anyway) He would/will give me injections if I want, but we decided to wait til I have my estrogen levels checked. He wasn't too concerned about estrogen levels...he didn't think they would be high with the low T...said no in fact at first...then some extra chatter persuaded him to appease
    he said that if i were to inject cyp, then if my estrogen was high then I would have to be off Test for longer to see why estrogen is high....he said with the gel, i would only have to be off for a short time to test it....this was a little confusing, but I gave the blood at the visit and see back in 3 I'll know then....if estro is normal, then i'll consider the shot....
    anyone ever hear of the estrogen dilemma....about being off the test to see why?

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