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Thread: Minimum Total and Free Testoserone ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Minimum Total and Free Testoserone ?

    Trying to find if there is sound reasoning available to determine the minimum levels of Total and Free Testosterone needed to make consistent gains in LBM....

    Given an intake of calories well over maintenance requirements and an abundance of necessary muscle stimulation/breakdown via exercise..... how much must a male's body produce in order to see any noticeable gain of LBM over time? Is there even a set amount?

    Is it possible for someone who has a total test level of 300ng/dl and a free test level of 74pg/dl to actually accumulate muscle mass?

    These readings are barely on the low end of the scale as per Quest Diagnostic reference ranges....

    So I am trying to determine if this is "enough" or at what point it becomes likely that one can add LBM naturally?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Age will play a part, but those are very low test levels and would be very hard to improve LBM with tests that low. What do they have to be, I dont know that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by RONINASAUNA
    Given an intake of calories well over maintenance requirements and an abundance of necessary muscle stimulation/breakdown via exercise..... how much must a male's body produce in order to see any noticeable gain of LBM over time? Is there even a set amount?
    There is no set amount of free and bound testosterone required to build LBM. My Total Test is ~290 and Free Test of 11.5 and I still make good gains and have quite a bit of LBM. It takes longer with lower test, but it is still possible over time.

    A great diet and training program will still yield LBM regardless of the test levels.

    Just think about it. Women have significantly lower Test than guys and they are able to build LBM.

    Another example would be with dogs. A pit bull which is neutered (and as a result has very low Test) will still grow up to have similar LBM to a pit bull in the same liter that was not fixed.

    Quote Originally Posted by RONINASAUNA
    Is it possible for someone who has a total test level of 300ng/dl and a free test level of 74pg/dl to actually accumulate muscle mass?
    Yes. Some people function perfectly fine with low test levels without seeing any other symptoms. Everyone is different.

    My Doctor says that he treats the patient and not the number (test level results) since I show no other symptoms, have good muscle definition, sex drive, etc. He says that there is nothing wrong with me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ron, sounds like you found your answer, I was watching the thread and had the same ? in my head...your doc gave you the info? and how old are you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    Ron, sounds like you found your answer, I was watching the thread and had the same ? in my head...your doc gave you the info? and how old are you?
    thanks for all the responses..

    Doc says level is "normal" for a 34 year old male so there is nothing to treat. On a follow up lab total test was 400ng/dl, so I assume that I fluctuate between 300-400....

    Just asking regarding the levels because I just was curious to find out if anyone had added LBM with a low/normal test level..

    thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mountains of WV
    The normal range for testosterone will vary from lab to lab and also for the mans age. I was getting my testosterone checked by the VA Lab and their range for me at age 58 was, 300 - 1000 ng/dl. When I first discovered my T. was low, only 260 ng/dl, my libido was also very low and it was difficult to maintain an erection during intercourse for more than 5-10 minutes. My "want to", "got up and went", so to speak. After taking T. injections for a few weeks, my T. blood levels were up to 500 ng/dl and I was getting morning erections every morning just like when I was 16 y/o and during intercourse I could literally last for hours without losing my erection. It would be my opinion that 300 ng/dl is too low for making any great gains in muscle mass or strength but I suppose it could be an individual thing. I was working out with weights when I first started taking the injections and I put on a lot of muscle and gained quite a bit of strength. For instance, before taking the T. injections I was only bench pressing around 200-220 but after a few months on the injections I was doing 275 with the bar and reps with 100 lb dumbells. I could also do a military press of 200 lbs and squat with 400, all at age 58. At age 60 I tore a tendon in my rotator cuff and this set me back for a while but once I had it repaired I got back to about 90 percent of where I was before the injury. At age 34 I think your testosterone is too low and I would get a second opinion from an endocrinologist. The first MD I saw only prescribed 50 mg a month for me and that didn't do anything. Then a Urologist prescribed 100 mg a month but that wasn't effective either so I finally went to a Endrocrinologist who gave me an Rx of 100 mg a week or 200 mg every two weeks and showed my wife how to give me the injections in my glutes.

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