So my situation: I'm 18, very small, i mean -very- small. 100 lbs, 5' 4''. I've hated it all my life etc, started weightlifting last year, and then I heard about HGH and I've been trying to get on that for a while. Lifting has gotten me very ripped, but I have alot of trouble gaining any size. I'm just too small, like a 15 year old.

So finally I saw a doc about it, some foreign guy with a funny accent (I live in a small town... very shitty doctors). So they did a blood test on me and xrayed my hand to see if my bones had fused, I'm pretty sure they haven't, I've always been "younger than my age".

Well I... not exactly got the results. The doctor said I'm "normal"... or at least the secretary did. Didn't tell me my testosterone levels or whether or not my bones actually still had the ability to grow (wtf? I'm gonna try and find out tomorrow). I guess that means he wont gimme the stuff.

Well I was reccommended to an endocrynologist... this happened to anyone? The only outcome I can see is not getting my much needed HGH, and lots of valuable time wasted. Would it help to see another doctor maybe...? Or go to a dif source? I'd really prefere a doctor, but I wont let some ignorant foreign guy stop me.