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I did this, I brought my Dr. copies of the above stickies and told him to read them as he is my "current" Dr. and I wanted treatment. If he wouldn't treat me now that he had all the data he needed(no excuses left), he wouldn't be my Dr long. He'd treat a woman for low estrogen, so why not a man for his key hormone? It's not risky when done properly. I told him of the online option as well as finding a "specialist" G.P. locally or going to an Endo. Either way, he'd loose me as a patient. Remind him that the Hipocratic Oath says "...do no harm..." and failing to, or refusing to treat for personal reasons is in fact a violation of said oath. He should at least refer you to someone who might be qualified to treat you properly. My Dr was speachless and impressed by my preperation. Having said this in front of his PA helped some, I'm sure, lol. Regardless, I started HRT as soon as my results got to him~! Tell him your insurance formulary doesn't cover transsdermals and you can't justify or afford the cost as a result. If you express concerns for dermal transfer as well, he'll likely prescribe injectables. Have him teach you to do the injections or find a friend or family member with experience so you don't have to go to the office!!! It's not hard or painful at all. The biggest hassle is filling the syringe due to the fact that the oil is so viscuss and it's not as easy as other chemicals. That's about the best I can offer right now. I'm sure I left something out so feel free to email me or PM me(once I'm qualified) and I'll offer what I can. Best of luck!