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Thread: Partial Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Central NY

    Partial Update

    Well, I got my bloodwork done after 4wks on Adrogel 5's and it was still low according to the nurse from the doc's office. He did Free Test, Total Test & Estrodiol & Lipids. He wanted me to go to 10 for 6wks and test again.
    Along comes my insurance co. and they would rather pay for either of the injectable Test reagardless of dose. So, I'm waiting for the doc to get back to me with a new prescription, dose and my actual numbers. I will post all my data this week as soon as it becomes available.
    Once again, I would like to thank those responsilbe for this site and the HRT reference posts at the top of the forum. I've passed them on to my doc and many friends to aid in education. BTW, I'm feeling MUCH better since I started my HRT. It took only 1 wk for me to feel and see noticable results. I will go into detail later with regard to how's it has impacted and effected me personally.
    For those who may be on Medicare...if you have Part D and choose a good plan ( I chose BC/BS Excellus being in NYS and disabled ) and they cover all the bloodwork and HRT. While not as good as some HMO plans, it's better than paying the whole bill and they will pay for injectable Testosterone as a level 1 med. The Androgel is a level 2 and a Step medicine so it's more costly a co-pay. If you don't ask or try to talk your doc and the insurance carrier into intelligent treatment (quality of life issue), you are cheating yourself.
    My Dad is a Korean War vet and is starting to age more rapidly than I'd like. I've got him going to the VA clinic to get his bloodwork and with any luck, start HRT and possibly HGH treatment. Anyone have any experience with someone having HRT &/or HGH help with joint replacement issues?
    Lastly, thanks to advice from here and a reference as well, my Mother's Ostio will be treated via Test as well. They have found it stops it cold for most women!! LOW dose and no problems. Now they just need to find a way to reverse the damage!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mountains of WV

    Partial Update response

    Like your Dad I'm also a Korean War Vet and I use the VA Clinic for most of my Meds. They recently raised the cost for an Rx from $7.00 to $8.00 for a 30 day supply but thats a lot better than Bush's Medicare part D. I had been receiving HRT from the VA in the form of Testosterone Injections but I don't remember if they charged me for a 30 day supply or 90 days. Even if it was 90 days that would only come to $24.00. The VA only handles the least expensive meds so I don't think they'll be handing out any AndroGel. If you buy a 30 day supply of Andro it costs $190.00. My VA clinic gave me Testosterone Enanthate, a 10 ml vial. My dosage was 200mg every two weeks so the vial lasted about 20 weeks.
    You might be better off taking the injectable too. You just take a shot every two weeks and forget about it and it works better than the Gel in my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Central NY
    Glad to hear that you are using the benefits you deserve and had been denied as it having been considered a "Police Action"! I was a cop for 12 yrs until I was disabled on the job and I can tell you that Police Actions do NOT generally involve overseas deployment or heavy artillery!!! That aside, thank you for your service!! That is a period that is not talked about much and was never really taught in schools either. Disgraceful, if you ask me, but that's for another forum.
    I too would prefer the TE for several reasons and will be starting that soon. On my plan it's $10 per month and the AndroGel is $50 but can be $25 if the doc does that paperwork their way. Injections are a lot easier and don't bother me at all. I learned to do different types of injections in college and have access to several family members who are nurses or PA's so I won't need to visit the office. In the5 wks I've been on HRT I can honestly say I feel a lot better than I did previously. Come to find out, all the meds they've had me on since my injury reduce test production in a big way. Add that to my 43 yrs and it's no wonder I need HRT. Right now I'm using 10g of AndroGel while I wait for the doc to get off his ass and give me the new scrip! The irony is, they are all too willing to give me Oxycottin or Morphine, Methodone (for pain) and even valium without concern but a STEROID, and they shake and sweat! Fools! I laughed and told him that if I wanted to get big I could easily get anything out of a gym but I want to do monitor this and not spend my entire pension! I'm hoping to use myself as motivation and aid many guys I know that seem to have many of the symptomology I had. If this doc or another local guy is smart, he'd get as much education as he or she could and advertise! They'd do very well, quickly as our area is predominantly over 40.
    BTW, Dad served with the 25th Inf. Div, 35th Inf. Reg, H Comp. as an RTO in Korea '52-54. Served in every major battle during that period and just as he was shipping home he got pulled out of line and assigned to the UN for 6 months to participate in the prisoner exchange. Typical Army, B.O.H.I.C.A. Grunt! Best of luck and stay in touch!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    mobligator and NY's dad, just wanted to say thanks for serving! I am a 34year old who never served but have nothing but respect for you guys who did!

    Thanks again! I wish the VA would not give you guys so much crap about meds. I really think you guys deserve the best medical care.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That goes double here.....and great post...thanks!

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