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Thread: Estrogen management

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Estrogen management

    Just curious.

    I know TRT/HRT is for life...which mean NEVER coming off of testosterone. So, does that mean you all are also on estrogen management via AI or SERM forever also? If AI(Arimidex, etc), then how does that play out on your HDL and LDL?

    Also, are you on HCG forever also? How does that affect the leydig cells...say after 3-5 years?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    As far as estrogen management is concerned I take nothing. I get a blood test every three months to keep an eye on it. I do HCG every couple of months for a month, that seems to keep the boys in shape. I will answer the three to five year question when I get there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    As far as estrogen management is concerned I take nothing. I get a blood test every three months to keep an eye on it. I do HCG every couple of months for a month, that seems to keep the boys in shape. I will answer the three to five year question when I get there
    If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been on HRT and what is your dosage and frequency of dosing?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Well between cycles I do 100mg a week of Test E. Been doing that for about a year now. All self prescribed by the way. I am in mid cycle right now and I am seriously thinking about doing PCT at the end of this cycle just o give myself a break. I will start HGH about three weeks before the end of the cycle then do PCT and see how it goes. If I dont recover I will just go back on indefinitly.

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