I had previously been taking 200mg/eow of test. cyp. for about 5 months and could definately tell a huge difference in sex drive, energy levels, less depression, etc. This was prescribed by a primary care doc.
Well, long story short, my insurance changed and I had to get a new doc. I decided to go w/ an endocrinologist this time - female. She wanted me to get off the test cyp. and do a battery of testing including HPTA analysis, brain ultrasound, testicular u/s and a bunch of other testing to make sure I didn't have a brain tumor or anything that would cause low test. My previous levels were 215, originally and I would test about 750 or so, much improved.
Now, it's been close to 3 months since I've been off test and I just got new lab work - i'm assuming levels are going to be low again. I feel like crap, tired all the time, memory sucks, etc.
I also expressed concern about maintaining fertility because I am trying to have a kid. She then proceed to say HCG would help make me fertile, if necessary - OK, fine. Now what I want to know, would it be stupid to go back on test, knowing that I want to get my wife pregnant? What If I was on Test and HCG? Would this do the trick. I would get all of the benefits of test - high sex drive and the HCG would get my testicles function and size back to normal.
I have a follow up w/ her next week and I just want to get a heads up and what to ask her.
Thanks guys!