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Thread: Off test for about 2 months per new doc..

  1. #1

    Off test for about 2 months per new doc..

    I had previously been taking 200mg/eow of test. cyp. for about 5 months and could definately tell a huge difference in sex drive, energy levels, less depression, etc. This was prescribed by a primary care doc.

    Well, long story short, my insurance changed and I had to get a new doc. I decided to go w/ an endocrinologist this time - female. She wanted me to get off the test cyp. and do a battery of testing including HPTA analysis, brain ultrasound, testicular u/s and a bunch of other testing to make sure I didn't have a brain tumor or anything that would cause low test. My previous levels were 215, originally and I would test about 750 or so, much improved.

    Now, it's been close to 3 months since I've been off test and I just got new lab work - i'm assuming levels are going to be low again. I feel like crap, tired all the time, memory sucks, etc.

    I also expressed concern about maintaining fertility because I am trying to have a kid. She then proceed to say HCG would help make me fertile, if necessary - OK, fine. Now what I want to know, would it be stupid to go back on test, knowing that I want to get my wife pregnant? What If I was on Test and HCG? Would this do the trick. I would get all of the benefits of test - high sex drive and the HCG would get my testicles function and size back to normal.

    I have a follow up w/ her next week and I just want to get a heads up and what to ask her.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    No test!! Not if you want to get your wife pregent. Test suppresses period. HCG in combination with test will only help your boys maintain some of their size, not functiion. HCG without exo-test can do some good. But stay off the test. And get busy with your wife so you can get back on test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA
    Aside from the whole pregnancy thing, you said you were feeling like crap since you came off of the test. Have you considered any meds, like Welbutrin, to help? I am thinking of stopping my test injections in about a month or so to give my body a break and I am really worried about the side effects of coming off. I was thinking about doing a PCT like clomid along with Welbutrin and maybe even some trib. Had you ever considered doing that?

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