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Thread: just got blood work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    just got blood work

    just got blood work back and my numbers look like this:
    he numbers are:
    Cholesterol 204 mg/dl
    HDL Cholesterol 10 mg/dl
    Cholesterol Ratio 20.4%
    LDL 141 mg/dl
    LDL/HDL Ratio 14.10 mg/dl
    Triglycerides 265 mg/dl
    Glucose 66 mg/dl

    I am currently doing 400 mg or test ethenate per week. I got caught off guard with this test, it was for insurance purposes for one of my business's.
    Anyway my doc told me to take niacin but would injectible vitamin b be a good addative? Since niacin is a b vitamin. This is called metabolic syndrom and I want to get it under control. I am 46 years and in great shape. My dad has the same thing and had a triple by pass at 62 but he didn't exercise or take care of himself. I have upped my cardio to 45 minutes 5 to 7 times per week, I lift 4 times per week and my diet is pretty clean and will now be much cleaner.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.
    Also I wanted to do HRT is this good for metabolic syndrom or not. It seems we bodybuilders know more about this stuff than the doctors do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    HDL is poor. range is 23-61
    LDL is poor. range 30-60
    triglycerides is poor. range 36-165.
    gulcose is a little low. range 71-114

    Do you ever take a break? Have you talked to your
    Doctor about cholesterol drugs. You got to get
    your blood work in order.

  3. #3
    I would have a chat to your Dr about cholesterol lowering drugs, statins are well safe.

    With metabolic syndrome if high cholesterol levels arn't lowered it can lead to all sorts of problems in the long term like diabetes.

    But with what sounds like your healthy lifestyle exercising and a few drugs to lower the cholesterol this potential problem can be greatly reduced.

    Before panicking though i would have bloods done after stopping enan as this can increase cholesterol levels

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks guys. I just started doing aas again about 2 years ago after an 11 year lay off. My doctor did recomend cholesterol lowering drugs but wanted me to start with niacin. I am a little concerened and I guess I will take a lay off. I was hoping to get do a cycle through the summer but I guess I won't.
    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Niacin is good to reduce triglycerides. Take a statin. The Doc will give you
    samples. They have to find the one that works for you. Some of these statins can reduce your cholesterol by about 30%. It will keep your arteries from getting clogged. I've got stents in my heart. Take advantage of modern
    medicine. If your blood pressure is up, get pills for that to. You get that in
    order and you got NO problems. Good luck. Sometimes you got to pester these Doc's.

  6. #6
    no worries

    I would have your bloods checked though when you come off enan and its out your system.

    when i'm on it my trigs and Blood pressure both go up. But by the time i've finished pct they've settled back to normal levels so i don't fret about it to much

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Some one on this board recommended Hawthorne Berry. I bot some and it reduced my blood pressue by 10 points.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks guys, you know more than the doctors. I really appreciate your help.

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