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Thread: Where is there a place like oasis, with a lower age limit?

  1. #1

    Where is there a place like oasis, with a lower age limit?

    I see the age for oasis is 30. Is there any other places that are similar to oasis that have a lower age minimum?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Any local dr who deals with hrt will treat you if you have low levels no matter what age you are.

    If you are just looking for a legal loop hole for steroids, call some other anti aging clinics in Fla. You may find one that does not have the 30yo rule.

    How old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The idea of HRT is to replace missing hormones to bring levels up to "normal". If you are just looking for an easy way to get legal or semi-legal gear, and you don't fit the profile of the HRT patient, no legit clinic will take you on. The only way would be to cheat a bit... do a long and heavy cycle, and get clean without doing pct. UGH! Your test levels will be at rock bottom and your muscle will just melt away. Get your blood test, then do a proper pct and try to salvage what you can out of your self-inflicted hormonal disaster.

    HRT clinics are used by thousands of legitimate patients. They fill a need that the typical family doctor just won't fill. Unwanted attention by youngsters who simply want to get juiced up but don't want to use black market gear will just make it more difficult for the clinics to operate.

    Best legal loophole... move to a country where you can legally buy it at the pharmacy without a scrip. Thailand comes to mind...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Baron makes a good point. Someone who is a well known expert on HRT told me that the Fla clinics are going to shoot themselves in the foot by looking the other way with guys who really dont need hormones.

    I really have mixed feelings about them. As a real HRT patient, I like the fact that they are there as an option but they were literally willing to sell me whatever I wanted. They were also talking about a starting dose of 250mg per week of test plus winstrol, anti-e, HGH and hcg. I could order as much as I like.

    Looks like more of a steroid cycle then HRT

  5. #5
    Well, the reason I ask is because last year oasis told me the limit was 25, now that I am, they raised the age again unfortunately for me.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    The idea of HRT is to replace missing hormones to bring levels up to "normal". If you are just looking for an easy way to get legal or semi-legal gear, and you don't fit the profile of the HRT patient, no legit clinic will take you on. The only way would be to cheat a bit... do a long and heavy cycle, and get clean without doing pct. UGH! Your test levels will be at rock bottom and your muscle will just melt away. Get your blood test, then do a proper pct and try to salvage what you can out of your self-inflicted hormonal disaster.

    ya kinda make it seem worse than it has to be IMO. I am sure there is better ways to do something similar. An entire cycle wouldnt be needed really. 100mgs of deca could do that couldnt it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Spyke
    Baron makes a good point. Someone who is a well known expert on HRT told me that the Fla clinics are going to shoot themselves in the foot by looking the other way with guys who really dont need hormones.

    I really have mixed feelings about them. As a real HRT patient, I like the fact that they are there as an option but they were literally willing to sell me whatever I wanted. They were also talking about a starting dose of 250mg per week of test plus winstrol, anti-e, HGH and hcg. I could order as much as I like.

    Looks like more of a steroid cycle then HRT
    Indeed... my own hrt regimen looks like a very light bodybuilding cycle that keeps going and going... but it works great for me. I feel great and look great. Testosterone is a pretty benign substance to inject. As long as you have proper ancilliaries, there doesn't seem to be much of an upper limit within what is comfortable to inject. And I don't see any reason why I must limit myself to hormone levels that are normal for my age. I want them normal for a teenager LOL.

    I would be very sad if the florida clinics get shut down. I really enjoy doing business with mine, and I do indeed get what I want. Well, not really... it would be nice if they had tren LOL! Or eq! But I am doing just fine on just test, with a bit of hcg to keep the old huevos healthy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    ya kinda make it seem worse than it has to be IMO. I am sure there is better ways to do something similar. An entire cycle wouldnt be needed really. 100mgs of deca could do that couldnt it?
    Well, one little shot of deca probably isn't going to really shut anybody down. But the proof is in the pudding, I guess. You would have to try it and then get tested, to know for sure, I suppose.

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