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Thread: ACL surgery, HGH, and sustenon - need advice!

  1. #1

    ACL surgery, HGH, and sustenon - need advice!

    I started a light sustenon cycle about 5 weeks ago. One week in I hurt my knee badly playing basketball. I continued training (upper body only). The MRI came back and i have a torn acl.

    Surgery is set in about one week. I am still on 500mg of sus. And a local dr. got me hgh - I am taking 2 iu a day.

    what can i do now and after the surgery supplement-wise and or reconfiguring cycle to give me every benefit possible for my knee to heal. I know very little about ligament healing.

    It is a patella reconstrcuction

    IF anyone has some suggestions PLEASE repost

    thank you

  2. #2

    not patella reconstruction

    sorry - i meant using my patella tendon to repair/replace acl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Sounds like the local Doc knows your situation and you. I would ask him.

  4. #4

    ehhhh ---

    local doc gets me juice and i asked for the hgh - he just said it would help the healing

    im keeping 500mg and 2iu hgh unless i hear otherwise -- -- also wondering about what supplements to take

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