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Thread: Low Testosterone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Low Testosterone?

    I was tested a year ago and came back extremely low. Was put on the patch, weened off, and now I'm even lower (almost nil). This coupled with severe dieting and cardio has left me in shambles.

    I paid for a guru to train me. He put me on a 4,200 cal diet, nixed my cardio, etc. I know I cant make the gains I want with my levels so low. So, before I get retested and possibly go the hrt route, could I do a mild cycle, followed by a proper pct and then get tested, to see if I am restarted yet or need to go on hrt?

    Thinking about 300mg/test and 400mg eq for 10 weeks...then a solid pct. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Dude if you are that low naturally, then nothing is going to restart that and the patch has just made it worse. How old are you ? If I was you I would go down the HRT trail until you get your levels to where they need to be close to the top of the range and then think anout cycling after that. For me thats 100mg Test E a week, some need more some less, you will need a few blood tests to get it right

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude if you are that low naturally, then nothing is going to restart that and the patch has just made it worse. How old are you ? If I was you I would go down the HRT trail until you get your levels to where they need to be close to the top of the range and then think anout cycling after that. For me thats 100mg Test E a week, some need more some less, you will need a few blood tests to get it right
    Solid advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    THANKS......well, if I do go with 100mg/wk for say 12 weeks...add on 10lbs of mass, with heavy training and a good surplus in cals, then do a pct, can I come off and be norm? I am afrain my low levels are not only from the patch but from SEVERE dieting.....I mean I am about 7-8%...5'10 and 130lbs.....from 180, thats a huge decrease in muscle mass! Fing triatholongs!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    THANKS......well, if I do go with 100mg/wk for say 12 weeks...add on 10lbs of mass, with heavy training and a good surplus in cals, then do a pct, can I come off and be norm? I am afrain my low levels are not only from the patch but from SEVERE dieting.....I mean I am about 7-8%...5'10 and 130lbs.....from 180, thats a huge decrease in muscle mass! Fing triatholongs!

    I hope I don't sound like a dick here but you really have no clue about HRT. I think you need to spend some time learning about it. If you really have low levels, going on test will not somehow cause your body to produce more when you come off. HRT is for life! YOU WILL NEVER BE NORMAL!

    While some guys go on regular hrt and notice some gains in muscle, it is not the main goal here. If your looking to do a short cycle talk to the guys in the steroid forums of this site. If you want to do HRT talk to a place like Oasis, they will have their docs put together a program for you based on your blood work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 02:21 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Easssy...I am not going the HRT route yet....I know my elvels are low and I know it is perm. I am going on 10 weeks of 250mg test.....followed by pct....a good solid pct....then I am going to get tested....hopefully I will have rebounded with the diet and pct protocol.......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Columbus
    THANKS......well, if I do go with 100mg/wk for say 12 weeks...add on 10lbs of mass, with heavy training and a good surplus in cals, then do a pct, can I come off and be norm? I am afrain my low levels are not only from the patch but from SEVERE dieting.....I mean I am about 7-8%...5'10 and 130lbs.....from 180, thats a huge decrease in muscle mass! Fing triatholongs!
    Are you saying triathalon? Triathalons made you lose 50 lbs. of muscle?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    that coupled with a very low caloric intake due to excessive overtraining and no's all realitve and I havent done cardio in weeks....feel better all ready....

    Has anyone done a low dose cycle, say 250mg test, made good gains, did a proper pct and been ok for good?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    some ppl do well on small doses some need bigger this forum, we don't do pct because we are always or 90% of the time ON test because you/we are not making the hormone naturally anymore

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    gotcha...and I dont wanna be on hrt now unless I have to....was just going to do another pct and see if I can start, but plan is a low dose cycle to feel better and make some gains, a good pct and then get tested!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    250mg per week is not a normal HRT cycle. We do not take test to make "gains". It really sounds like you just want to a steroid cycle. Thats fine, I wish you luck with it. You are barking up the wrong tree in this forum by calling it HRT.

    I think you should ask the guys in the steroid forums these questions. I suspect that they will tell you that going on an AAS cycle is a waste unless your diet and training programs are good. Sounds like you have not been on a bulking/weightlifting program. If you are eating more calories then maintenance you will gain weight (fat or muscle) but you will gain. If not, you may have some medical problem like Ufa said.

    Taking a cycle of test will not suddenly cure hypogonadism. That is like saying wearing glasses for a few weeks will cure your poor eyesight when you stop wearing them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    PS what were your levels when they were tested?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Spyke
    250mg per week is not a normal HRT cycle. We do not take test to make "gains". It really sounds like you just want to a steroid cycle. Thats fine, I wish you luck with it. You are barking up the wrong tree in this forum by calling it HRT.

    I think you should ask the guys in the steroid forums these questions. I suspect that they will tell you that going on an AAS cycle is a waste unless your diet and training programs are good. Sounds like you have not been on a bulking/weightlifting program. If you are eating more calories then maintenance you will gain weight (fat or muscle) but you will gain. If not, you may have some medical problem like Ufa said.

    Taking a cycle of test will not suddenly cure hypogonadism. That is like saying wearing glasses for a few weeks will cure your poor eyesight when you stop wearing them.
    Couple great points in there and I see you already posted in the steroid forum but you still haven't answered how old and what was your "low" level and was it the only time you had your testosterone checked.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    One thing you might want to do before you beging a pct type of program would be to get a blood test. Some things to really determine if you are hypogonadal would be to have some of the following tests done.

    Total & Free Testosterone
    LH & FSH Levels (this will be important)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mountains of WV
    Quote Originally Posted by Oasis
    One thing you might want to do before you beging a pct type of program would be to get a blood test. Some things to really determine if you are hypogonadal would be to have some of the following tests done.

    Total & Free Testosterone
    LH & FSH Levels (this will be important)
    DITTO! But you should wait a good eight (8) weeks after youv'e been off everything before having the blood work up. Any competent Edo will tell you the same thing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    thanks for all the help....125mg on Friday and the same on Tuesday...10-12 weeks, pct and then get tested. Hopefully I am producing again! Oh, tossing in 400mg of eq...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I give up! This guy wont answer any of our questions and we are trying to help him. Seems hell bent on doing his own thing so why even ask us for help? I am guessing that he never had his levels checked.

    We see how well he has done following his own advice. Guy weighs less then most 15 year old girls.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    must be the triathalongs?

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