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Thread: Need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    In the basement

    Need some advice

    I'm 46, 220lbs., BF=14% I'm guessing.

    My last cycle eneded a week and a half ago, I have an appointment with my primary Dr. to get my blood work....that will be at the 21 day off of Test. E/Eq. cycle. After the blood work is done I'll start PCT that same day.

    My understanding is then my primary Doc. sends the results to the Endo.
    Will the Endo take more blood for testing, I'm asking because once I start my PCT my Test will go up, won't it.

    I'm very confident my "regular" test levels are low, but how much will they spike with PCT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Are you trying to trick your doc into thinking you have hypogonadism?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    In the basement
    Quote Originally Posted by Spyke
    Are you trying to trick your doc into thinking you have hypogonadism?
    Absolutely not!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    If you want a true analysis of your test levels, do your pct as required. After pct wait about 1 month, then go have test, total and free plus estradoil taken. Otherwise its a crap shoot and not an adequate relfection of true endog. test production.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    In the basement
    Quote Originally Posted by Teabagger
    If you want a true analysis of your test levels, do your pct as required. After pct wait about 1 month, then go have test, total and free plus estradoil taken. Otherwise its a crap shoot and not an adequate relfection of true endog. test production.
    Thanks Teabagger,
    That's what I was looking for.

    Have you had expierience going to an Endo?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Glad to hear it! There are guys who actually go on a cycle of aas then a week or two after the cycle ends (when levels are at their lowest) they go to the doc and complain of all the low test symptoms and get a blood test so they can get "legal" steroids.

    Teabagger is correct. Wait till you have totally recovered from the cycle. Then get the tests done.

    Alot of endos are not real up to date on hrt. I went with a doc who really does only HRT for men and not much else. He is in another state but was worth the trip.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    Quote Originally Posted by 2bshredded
    Thanks Teabagger,
    That's what I was looking for.

    Have you had expierience going to an Endo?
    Oh yes I've had my $6000.00 raping...err I mean experience with an endo at the Mayo...fvckmeintheass...Clinic. My levels were just high enough to put me in the low-normal range. My primary would only give me an inject of 200mg test cyp every three weeks....not good...I went to a uro, and he wanted me to see an endo before treating me....the only way I could see an endo before 6 fvcking months was to go the Mayo Clinic. The endo ordered all the same bloodwork again, plus an MRI of my pituitary gland (SOP). Results were pit gland was fine, and my levels were low normal, the only problem is this dipshit would not attribute my low energy levels, ed, low libido, weight gain of fat, low test...he suspected I had ..........................sleep apnea!! WTF!! He would not treat for low back to uro I go...he says cool on the MRI and away we go. I get the Andorgel 10ml/day. So as Spyke said not alot of endos are up on trt, but more uros are. Hell its all a crap shoot, but I did ask the nurse at the uro when I was calling for an appointment if he treated patients for low test and she said yes, quite a few. So you may want to prescreen that way. good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    In the basement
    Good info....thats what I will do. Thank you!

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