Jpkman you are funny bro..... I guess I do need to check my estrogen levels because I am turning into a biatch. Maybe I should up my arimidex to 2mgs
good stuff bro. Maybe I am getting moody.
But really Spyke thanks for taking the time to read my posts I have nothing but respect for you Kale and Jpkman and some others. You made the observation that I was trying to point out. Some people on here are on HRT for very low test levels causing all kinds of problems. While some of us are on HRT for the purpose of anti-aging.
A person in there mid thirties should be in the 500-600 test range right. Well that is all fine and good but
if being in that range makes it legal to get HRT then so be it. The thing is in that range my Dr. wants me to cycle it. Yes Spyke I agree it is a total loophole. But in my mind I am taking advantage of what science has to offer. If I can afford the best medical care then why not. I think many many many of us could benefit from this science. But then again I have been wrong before and I will be wrong again.
Please don't get me wrong it people like this that ruin it for everyone.......... Originally Posted by doublefister
how exactly are you cycling your HRT? What are your dosages? If anyone has read the latest MD magazine it talks about studies on how 100-200mg test cyp wont get you in the range you want and that you should be doing at least 300mg test a week. Very interesting read as I hope more studies come and we can legally get prescribed larger amounts because I barely feel my 100mg test cyp a week.
For me I think that anything over 400mgs a week of test is a abuse. That is where my doc draws the line and I think that is pretty fair. I have abused some of my privliges test doses. If people will just read my posts and others posts then they will see that 200mgs of test a week can make a huge difference in a persons life. I will get off my soap box and take some estrogen blockers as you can see what to much test does to a person. I've turned into a moody biatch.