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Thread: Does sex drive increase even with people who have sex drive problems with test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali

    Does sex drive increase even with people who have sex drive problems with test?

    I am thinking of going on HRT because as of my last cycle I have not recovered and do not appear to be recovering despite being on PCT for 4-5 weeks already. I feel all the standard effects of low testosterone: No sex drive, hard to get errections (even with cialias, ****!), chronic fatigue, depression, weight loss, etc, etc.

    I have blood test results coming which should help shed some light on what is going on, but I am thinking that my body seems to have thrown in the towl this time. Honestly what I want back more then anything is my sex drive, initially when I started my PCT with HCG I had GREAT sex drive. That was the only time I have experienced my sex drive returning to what it was before I used steroids, and since then that has stopped working as well.

    Unfortunately for me, extremely high levels of test seems to decrease my sex drive (500-600mg/w). For those who have sex drive problems with very high levels of test, does a HRT level (say 200mg/w) improve sex drive the way it is supposed to?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I dont think you need HRT. You need to see a dr who knows about aas and is willing to treat you.

    Avoid a lifetime of hrt if you can

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    How old are you? HRT will usually restore your sex drive with as little as 70 to 100mg of test per week. If your looking at TRT be prepared for a long hard fight with the medical community, unless you go to a clinic that specializes in male andropause.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Defconx3
    I am thinking of going on HRT because as of my last cycle I have not recovered and do not appear to be recovering despite being on PCT for 4-5 weeks already. I feel all the standard effects of low testosterone: No sex drive, hard to get errections (even with cialias, ****!), chronic fatigue, depression, weight loss, etc, etc.

    I have blood test results coming which should help shed some light on what is going on, but I am thinking that my body seems to have thrown in the towl this time. Honestly what I want back more then anything is my sex drive, initially when I started my PCT with HCG I had GREAT sex drive. That was the only time I have experienced my sex drive returning to what it was before I used steroids, and since then that has stopped working as well.

    Unfortunately for me, extremely high levels of test seems to decrease my sex drive (500-600mg/w). For those who have sex drive problems with very high levels of test, does a HRT level (say 200mg/w) improve sex drive the way it is supposed to?
    It might not be a test problem at all. What does your PCT look like? What AIs are you using? 500-600mg/wk of test is not extremely high nor does it depress your sex drive. You must have a hormonal imbalance elsewhere causing the problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Agreed, maybe post your entire PCT protocal and let the vets here take a good look and critique it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    test does that to me after about 4 weeks...

    prolactine build up is what i think causes it..

    extend your clomid cycle, until your sex drive returns...

    sperm prodution went from 100,000 to 64,000,000 after the 2nd month on clomid..

    yes it sucked... but now it shoots..
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    miami, fl
    Is that the only cycle you ran this year, or did you back to back cycles. Just curious?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by Defconx3
    I am thinking of going on HRT because as of my last cycle I have not recovered and do not appear to be recovering despite being on PCT for 4-5 weeks already. I feel all the standard effects of low testosterone: No sex drive, hard to get errections (even with cialias, ****!), chronic fatigue, depression, weight loss, etc, etc.

    I have blood test results coming which should help shed some light on what is going on, but I am thinking that my body seems to have thrown in the towl this time. Honestly what I want back more then anything is my sex drive, initially when I started my PCT with HCG I had GREAT sex drive. That was the only time I have experienced my sex drive returning to what it was before I used steroids, and since then that has stopped working as well.

    Unfortunately for me, extremely high levels of test seems to decrease my sex drive (500-600mg/w). For those who have sex drive problems with very high levels of test, does a HRT level (say 200mg/w) improve sex drive the way it is supposed to?
    Check your estrogen level.

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