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To all who reads,
I have talked to a doctor percribed HRT program consultant online and have been to a doctor in my home town cor a physcial and blood work to discuss the next steps afterwards. I have told the consultant if the HRT program would be good for me and he said "This program is perfect for me". I won't be able to send him any results of physical or blood work until minday though. He does not know any of my stats at the moment.I know he will probably say anything to get my money though. I was also wanting to take the time to talk to you guys if you have had problems with it all being a scam. I will not know until someone tells me or I go through the whole process and test it through a doctor or test it my self. there are so many scams out there I don't want to be ripped off. It doesn't matter if its online or in the GYM you can always get ripped off, this place seems to be legit though. I also figured that if I could it would be best to get Pharmacy grade (FDA approved ). As far as my home town doctor knowing for all this??? I have not told him yet. After I recieve the meds, I was going to get him involved if he would participate. If not I would find one who will and go from there.
My routine goes as follows: M, W, F: upper body Incline 145 3 sets of 10
Mid incline 145 3 sets of 10
Flat 165 3 sets of 10
decline 170 3 sets of 10
Dumbells biceps 30 , 35, 40 3 sets of 10
EZ curl standing 35, 55, 70 3 sets of 10
Preacher curls EZ curl 35, 40, 45 untill burn-out 3X10
dumbell flies incline 30,35,40
midcline 30,35,40
flat 35, 40,40
decline 35,40,45 3X10
Back lats: 3X10 55, 65, 75, front and behind the head.
single havd pull up row 3X10 with half the weight for the pull down.
Lower body T, Th, Sat: Squats 3X10 135, 145, 155 close and wide stance.
dead lift: 3X10 135, 160, 185
calves: 115 1and 2 set 20 reps and 3 set burn out.
I stretch everyday before workout and do cardio 20 - 30 min before I work
upper body. The problem with using heavy weight with lower body is that my knee really hurts after.
I think that about covers my routine through the week.
Any ideas please help and post them to me.