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Thread: Can anyone tell me if buying doctors perscribed steroids online are legit??

  1. #1

    Question Can anyone tell me if buying doctors perscribed steroids online are legit??

    I'm Jasell,

    I'm new here and thinking about going online and getting a perscription of steriods. I'm I safe with my job as far as it being a perscribed med. Am I safe from any crominal charges. I have alittle more training to do and some weight to loose before I start my first cycle, can anyone tell me the best way to diet to loose the most weight fast. I am 30 years old 6 ft. o in. 220 lbs.

    I am all ears for anyone who might give some great info.

    Thanks, Jasell

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    There are doctors who prescribe steroids to anyone over the internet? LOL

    I can tell by your questions here that you are a newbie to all this and have no business even thinking about a cycle. IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!

    there are great forums here to learn everything you need BEFORE you start worrying about AAS

    answer ALL the green questions below and we can help you better

  4. #4

    Calm down please, don't be so quick to come down on someone who is wanting to learn and get some great info on training dieting and supplements and such. I' ve read alot of your replies to others who have jumped into these tharapies. I think it would be kool to help and share your knowledge. I have already learned quite abit from what you have wrote. Yes, the thought of doing a cycle is in my mind but, I'm not stupid and I know that I need to learn alot more than what I do. I was in a bad accident 5 years ago and bought a weight bench with weights to help get me back on track again. As of about six months ago I have moved into a house with enough room in the garage to have my bench and a full blown weight cage with about 600 lbs of steel. I enjoy working out and feel good after the routine. I am getting intouch with my doc and finding out as much as possible before I even start to get into cycles. I'm 30 years old, 6ft. even,220 lbs, BF of 30%, low calorie diet started 2 weeks ago ( brown rice, grilled chicken, fish, meat , daily multi pack vitamins all food is measured). 30 min cardio 2-3 times per week, upper body on mon, wed, fri. lower tues,thur,sat. No cycles just supplements such as 17-bol creatine and various types of amino acids. My goal is to weigh 200lbs of hard muscle and good strength. I am now eading up on PCT and what it exctly does. I am also trying to find out measurements of Mg and ML.

    TYhankyou for your time,


  5. #5

    We were all once newbie's searching for a better physique, so don't take anything that people say too seriously, or too personally. I would recommend searching around or asking a direct question...

    The first thing you need to consider is your current diet and training regiment. Post it up, and see what type of responses you get. Most likely you need to start there.. w/ the building blocks. Then after adequate research you can move on to AAS, and how they might help your training.

    Best of luck, and train hard.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jasell123

    Calm down please, don't be so quick to come down on someone who is wanting to learn and get some great info on training dieting and supplements and such. I' ve read alot of your replies to others who have jumped into these tharapies. I think it would be kool to help and share your knowledge. I have already learned quite abit from what you have wrote. Yes, the thought of doing a cycle is in my mind but, I'm not stupid and I know that I need to learn alot more than what I do. I was in a bad accident 5 years ago and bought a weight bench with weights to help get me back on track again. As of about six months ago I have moved into a house with enough room in the garage to have my bench and a full blown weight cage with about 600 lbs of steel. I enjoy working out and feel good after the routine. I am getting intouch with my doc and finding out as much as possible before I even start to get into cycles. I'm 30 years old, 6ft. even,220 lbs, BF of 30%, low calorie diet started 2 weeks ago ( brown rice, grilled chicken, fish, meat , daily multi pack vitamins all food is measured). 30 min cardio 2-3 times per week, upper body on mon, wed, fri. lower tues,thur,sat. No cycles just supplements such as 17-bol creatine and various types of amino acids. My goal is to weigh 200lbs of hard muscle and good strength. I am now eading up on PCT and what it exctly does. I am also trying to find out measurements of Mg and ML.

    TYhankyou for your time,

    just said you're in touch w/ a doc he not prepared to help you and this is why you are seeking an online doc/RX?

  7. #7
    To all who reads,

    I have talked to a doctor percribed HRT program consultant online and have been to a doctor in my home town cor a physcial and blood work to discuss the next steps afterwards. I have told the consultant if the HRT program would be good for me and he said "This program is perfect for me". I won't be able to send him any results of physical or blood work until minday though. He does not know any of my stats at the moment.I know he will probably say anything to get my money though. I was also wanting to take the time to talk to you guys if you have had problems with it all being a scam. I will not know until someone tells me or I go through the whole process and test it through a doctor or test it my self. there are so many scams out there I don't want to be ripped off. It doesn't matter if its online or in the GYM you can always get ripped off, this place seems to be legit though. I also figured that if I could it would be best to get Pharmacy grade (FDA approved ). As far as my home town doctor knowing for all this??? I have not told him yet. After I recieve the meds, I was going to get him involved if he would participate. If not I would find one who will and go from there.

    My routine goes as follows: M, W, F: upper body Incline 145 3 sets of 10
    Mid incline 145 3 sets of 10
    Flat 165 3 sets of 10
    decline 170 3 sets of 10
    Dumbells biceps 30 , 35, 40 3 sets of 10
    EZ curl standing 35, 55, 70 3 sets of 10
    Preacher curls EZ curl 35, 40, 45 untill burn-out 3X10

    dumbell flies incline 30,35,40
    midcline 30,35,40
    flat 35, 40,40
    decline 35,40,45 3X10

    Back lats: 3X10 55, 65, 75, front and behind the head.
    single havd pull up row 3X10 with half the weight for the pull down.

    Lower body T, Th, Sat: Squats 3X10 135, 145, 155 close and wide stance.
    dead lift: 3X10 135, 160, 185
    calves: 115 1and 2 set 20 reps and 3 set burn out.

    I stretch everyday before workout and do cardio 20 - 30 min before I work
    upper body. The problem with using heavy weight with lower body is that my knee really hurts after.

    I think that about covers my routine through the week.
    Any ideas please help and post them to me.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    jaselle, that is definately the process that i followed when i used hrt clinic....i however had all bloodwork done already and just needed to fax it all to the clinic....i always prefer to get well known lab/pharmacy grade but most on this forum that use the compounded pharmacy products tell of success as well...i am fairly new to HRT and still learning far as the clinics saying anything just to make the buck, i haven't noticed that myself and they are very knowledgeable and helpful....i would try to get your regular doctor on board as well if you good luck ...another ? for you ...what are they testing for on your bloodwork?
    as far as your lifting routine...that is a separate forum and will be better to move that part of your post there and get it critiqued by the vets/pros

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jasell123
    To all who reads,

    I have talked to a doctor percribed HRT program consultant online and have been to a doctor in my home town cor a physcial and blood work to discuss the next steps afterwards. I have told the consultant if the HRT program would be good for me and he said "This program is perfect for me". I won't be able to send him any results of physical or blood work until minday though. He does not know any of my stats at the moment.I know he will probably say anything to get my money though. I was also wanting to take the time to talk to you guys if you have had problems with it all being a scam. I will not know until someone tells me or I go through the whole process and test it through a doctor or test it my self. there are so many scams out there I don't want to be ripped off. It doesn't matter if its online or in the GYM you can always get ripped off, this place seems to be legit though. I also figured that if I could it would be best to get Pharmacy grade (FDA approved ). As far as my home town doctor knowing for all this??? I have not told him yet. After I recieve the meds, I was going to get him involved if he would participate. If not I would find one who will and go from there.

    My routine goes as follows: M, W, F: upper body Incline 145 3 sets of 10
    Mid incline 145 3 sets of 10
    Flat 165 3 sets of 10
    decline 170 3 sets of 10
    Dumbells biceps 30 , 35, 40 3 sets of 10
    EZ curl standing 35, 55, 70 3 sets of 10
    Preacher curls EZ curl 35, 40, 45 untill burn-out 3X10

    dumbell flies incline 30,35,40
    midcline 30,35,40
    flat 35, 40,40
    decline 35,40,45 3X10

    Back lats: 3X10 55, 65, 75, front and behind the head.
    single havd pull up row 3X10 with half the weight for the pull down.

    Lower body T, Th, Sat: Squats 3X10 135, 145, 155 close and wide stance.
    dead lift: 3X10 135, 160, 185
    calves: 115 1and 2 set 20 reps and 3 set burn out.

    I stretch everyday before workout and do cardio 20 - 30 min before I work
    upper body. The problem with using heavy weight with lower body is that my knee really hurts after.

    I think that about covers my routine through the week.
    Any ideas please help and post them to me.


    Are you saying this person at the clinic said their program would be perfect for you without seeing your blood work or even knowing if you have low test?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    If you call a hrt clinic and describe syptoms of low test they may say they have a program for you. You'll still need to get bloodwork to confirm your need. Most guys who feel like they need it do. Call oasis.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mountains of WV
    Quote Originally Posted by jasell123
    I'm Jasell,

    I'm new here and thinking about going online and getting a perscription of steriods. I'm I safe with my job as far as it being a perscribed med. Am I safe from any crominal charges. I have alittle more training to do and some weight to loose before I start my first cycle, can anyone tell me the best way to diet to loose the most weight fast. I am 30 years old 6 ft. o in. 220 lbs.

    I am all ears for anyone who might give some great info.

    Thanks, Jasell
    If you have a prescription you can get a good price at ***********.com They are a legit on-line pharmacy. I've used them but I don't give out my credit card on line. I just call their 800# and give them the info on my card.

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