Quick question, after reading some posts about bad gear, I wanted to know about my prescrips from Oasis. In the past my test came from Signature pharmacies, but my new prescrips comes from central drugs compounding pharmacy? are they okay
Quick question, after reading some posts about bad gear, I wanted to know about my prescrips from Oasis. In the past my test came from Signature pharmacies, but my new prescrips comes from central drugs compounding pharmacy? are they okay
Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 12:35 PM.
Competitive: I was curious about that too..My last order from Oasis came from Central Drugs Pharmacy (used to come from Signature). Also, the test Cyp was suspended in Sesame oil (cyp is usually suspended in cottonseed) and the appearance was a dark honey color. Were you happy with the quality?
Anybody? Just wanted to know if anyone else received a shipment from Oasis that came from Central Drugs Pharmacy?
Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 12:36 PM.
yeh, i got from central in CA....i found out that signature was in orlando and i'm within 30 minutes so now i can p/u and save on ship and not wait eitherOriginally Posted by Zbuddzzz
I get from either, actually about 75% seems to be from Central.
Sesame Oil is a little more expensive and it what name brand medications are made of. If you look on the ingrediants of DepoTest by UpJohn they use sesame oil. If you prefer cotton seed that is available as well or alternatively.
I did look at the ingredients..Its COTTONSEED oil..here is the link
-Notice in the pdf its Pharmacia (as in "Pharmacia Upjohn")
Each mL of the 100 mg/mL solution contains:
Testosterone cypionate......................................... .......................................... 100 mg
Benzyl benzoate .................................................. ............................................ 0.1 mL
Cottonseed oil .................................................. .............................................. 736 mg
Benzyl alcohol (as preservative) .................................................. ................... 9.45 mg
Each mL of the 200 mg/mL solution contains:
Testosterone cypionate .................................................. ................................ 200 mg
Benzyl benzoate .................................................. ............................................ 0.2 mL
Cottonseed oil .................................................. .............................................. 560 mg
Benzyl alcohol (as preservative) .................................................. ................... 9.45 mg
Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 12:36 PM.
Never claimed to be a chemist. Maybe if I had 2400+ posts like you, I would be a KNOW ALL CHEMISTRY GOD. I've been browsing this board for awhile..only posted when I seen this thread and was curious. By the way, If you go to the pfizer website, this is the information that they provide for their Depo-Test...so dont get so defensive and get your panties in a bunch, 'K?
I think you are correct about the DepoTest I couldn't remember which one I saw the sesame oil on and it was actually the Cypionate by Watson that uses it.
Sorry, but Watson also uses Cottonseed oil
It makes me wonder that you represent an HRT clinic and can not give valid explanations regarding products you distribute nor name brand medication. I am now concerned about the quality of your product.
So don't use them.
Another new guy who just "coincidentally" goes right after Oasis. Don't you guys have something more constructive to do with your time, like armed robbery?
Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 12:36 PM.
Last edited by Ufa; 12-07-2006 at 12:37 PM.
Gentlemen, they would not currently be in business if their product was inferior. Any of your anabolic products can be suspended in cottonseed, sesame, or grapeseed oil.
They have no affect on absorption, be it rate or systemic amount.
Oasis is legitimate, however overpriced in my book.
Many low-cost alternatives, but you will not be buying an inferior product.
I would use an enthanate for HRT, before Cypionate. Again, just my opinion.
What is your problem? I come on this board, ask a legitimate question, and get back extremely defensive responses. It was a simple question: Has anyone received their scripts from Central Drug because I always received from Sig Pharm and if so, how was the quality. I never knocked their service but am curious to know why someone that represents Oasis posts misinformation about certain drugs on the market. I am taking precaution before putting something in my body without fully knowing if the product received is legitimate.Originally Posted by Ufa
Funny, the way you come to their defense, one would think you are employed by them..you should ask them to presribe something for your condition: "Diarrhea of words from constipation of thought."![]()
Why is that? From what I understand, they are pretty similiar but maybe Ufa can help us out since he has an answer for everything.Originally Posted by rippedhard22
Here is your answer. Sesamaseed oil is better quality and cost much more. That is why pharmacies like Signature use the cheaper version, to save money. I am with Oasis and I prefer Central pharmacy from California. I have actually spoken with the pharmacist there, anyone can, just call. He was very informative and told me the compounding procedure for the different oils. Central can use cottonseed, yet they choose to use sesamaseed because it is better quality. They told me they can use both, as whatever is preferred. I'm sure they won't have a problem with using the cheaper cottonseed oil. Also, when I home brew, I always use sesamaseed and never have any issues. I have great results with Central Drugs, and I also enjoy that they have more products than Signature. They have injectable Anavar, Halotestin, and StanoTest (Winny, suspension mix).
Zbuddzzz, get lost. You just joined. Anyone here knows that Compounding pharmacy's can use either cottonseed or sesamaseed. And often major brand name companies swithch back and forth. Further, everyone makes mistakes, and I must say that OASIS always has an answer for me. They have always been informative and able to answer questions in detail.
It was just a god d*mn question!!!!!..Like I said, I was CURIOUS to know since this was the first time I received stuff from them that came from Central Drugs....Sorry to question about Oasis and get everyones feelings hurt....chill out.Originally Posted by welloiledmachine
wow!!!! ive been on vacation awhile!!!! injectable anavar has my attention though, anyone use it????
is it more affordable than the pills?Originally Posted by blackh2
You've got a lot of reading to do! lolOriginally Posted by asuboi2005
Seriously, don't just take what the first person posts as gospel. You need to do some major homework and decide if you're even ready for a cycle.
Besides, you didn't state how long you've been lifting, age...ect
Start reading!
Since you're in the TRT forum I assume you're looking to boost your test rather than "cycle?"
What are your current levels? How old are you?
Ufa: just curious..why do\did u edit all your comments about the O..S HRT clinic that you so highly praised (and bashed me for questioning them)? Seems your opinions flip flop more than John Kerry in an election race.
Z bro, don't turn this thread into a flame war please. If you have a problem with Ufa, PM's are always the best route. Especially since this thread was brought back from the dead.
Sorry bro..was just looking for some vindication. So what is the story with them now? I dont see their ads displayed anymore..
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