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  1. #1
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    I got my script today for Test C, but was told at the pharmacy I needed pre-authorization for this. My Doc is going to call.

    What is this process? Will the insurance deny the prescription?

  2. #2
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    They can deny payment, but not the actual script. Its from a MD

  3. #3
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    I did not figure they would deny the script. Hell, I don't mind paying for the script. I can't believe how cheap human grade Test C 200MG/Ml is. I am going to start really slow on the injections and keep my test levels low at first so that the doc will work me up to about 200-250MG per week. This is my family doc so he is really pretty cool about the dose. He wants to start at a low dose, 250MG EOW to make sure that the high test does not cover up any bigger problems and work from there. My test level was 325, and he said he had no problems dosing me so that I could run at around 1000. I am really excited.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    pre auth is a process where the insurance co. requires the doc to show that this med is "medically necessary" or provide additional information to approve so yes, it could be denied....your doc sounds like he's getting right on it and also sound like he knows what he'd doing....

    cool deal bro...either way....get the alcohol pads ready...did your doc give you any refills?

  5. #5
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    He said he would script refiles once he gets the dosage right. He wants to run blood work and do a bone scan in a month.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zipster_dude
    He said he would script refiles once he gets the dosage right. He wants to run blood work and do a bone scan in a month.
    refill part makes sense...i was real surprised when my family doc gave me 6 refills...maybe it had something to do with me coming from a speicalist with a current RX already and he didn't change the dose...he just wrote same RX and made it with the refills

    what will the bone scan be for?

  7. #7
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    The doc made a really weird comment. He said long exposure to test eventually lowered bone density and caused Osteoporosis. I am going to research that a bit as I have never heard of that.

    He also said that long exposure to test even in medium doses, ie 150MG per week causes organs to grow, and will feed any growth, malignant or benign.

    Anyone ever heard of that? This doc is very well respected in general practice in my area. Sounds a bit weird.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i have heard that if you have cancer, yes it will feed it and worsen the cancer but in my research thus far, the test will prevent osteoporosis

    i have read that large doses of test can weaken tendons and won't argue with this as i have had a new case of tendonitis in my right elbow which wasn't there b4 TRT....i had tendonitis in the left b4 had gone away and then after being on test cyp for a few months i got it in the right without really going that much up in the weight room

    either way for you it's nice that he's following up extensively

  9. #9
    Jakspro's Avatar
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    I think the tendons weaken with the sudden increases in strength, not as a direct effect of the Test itself. If this is your first script the insurance company might have Test Cyp under "step therapy" and won't cover it right away, but there are ways to get around this. You can search your insurance website under your plan and see if there are any prerequisites to TRT, if there are just get those completed. I'm sure you'll doc will understand, after that your insurance will cover everything you need.

  10. #10
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    The insurance company said that they would submit the request to their panel of doctors and pharmacists to determine if the medication is medical necessity. Who knows!

    I tried to get my test levels but did not want to ask "too many" questions as if I knew a lot about the subject. I played dumb for the first few visits. He told me the scale they used was between 1-10. My level was a 3.4, but then he said I could get my levels up around 1000 or so and he would be safe. What would a 3.4 reading on that scale compare to a regular number like 295,305, etc........ Is it 340?

  11. #11
    znak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zipster_dude
    The insurance company said that they would submit the request to their panel of doctors and pharmacists to determine if the medication is medical necessity. Who knows!
    Sounds like the CIGNA insurance dance. Good luck!

  12. #12
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    Hey guys, everything went through walgreens has my vial at the counter for my $10........ Thanks for all of the help.

    How many of you guys ran 200MG per week to start? Can I stay at this dose forever? Should I look at nolva or armidex?

    Any advice?

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