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  1. #1
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006

    Going to see Dr. Crisler

    I am going to take the plunge here and go see Dr. Crisler in a few weeks. I figure if I am going to be messing with my hormones, I may just as well go see one of the best. While in college, I got my minor in Biochemistry, but the more I read, the more I find out how much I don't know The reason I chose to do this is I suspect that I have more than just a low-normal testosterone level. I will be more than happy to share what I can learn from him, and also about the experience to those that are interested. Any questions or comments are welcomed.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    I am going to take the plunge here and go see Dr. Crisler in a few weeks. I figure if I am going to be messing with my hormones, I may just as well go see one of the best. While in college, I got my minor in Biochemistry, but the more I read, the more I find out how much I don't know The reason I chose to do this is I suspect that I have more than just a low-normal testosterone level. I will be more than happy to share what I can learn from him, and also about the experience to those that are interested. Any questions or comments are welcomed.
    cool fb....hope it goes great...

    there is one question now (maybe some later) but a ? for the guru....when it comes to hormone levels, is there an optimum for all of them....i know it will be different for all but for example generally...testosterone you want high, estro in the 15-30 range, if our dhea level is medium, do we want to take some to get that up? or if cortisol is towards the high end, do we want to work that down?, T4...if it's middle range, do we want it higher?, etc. Will the patient have to be symptomatic to warrant hormone alteration...kind a like....don't fix what aint broke?

  3. #3
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Hey Jpkman,
    I will be more than happy to ask Dr. Crisler those and any questions anybody else here would like. I will write them down so as not to forget. One tidbit of info I read that was really interesting was for optimal E2 levels, it also depends on your SBGH levels. For example, somebody with low SBGH levels, there optimal E2 levels will be even lower than in the 15-30 range. It's amazing how all of the hormones have to be in such a delicate balance. I do feel in order to feel your best, balance is more a key than just having high levels. Anyway, I will ask all questions. Hope fully I will get the Feb. 9 appointment.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    Hey Jpkman,
    I will be more than happy to ask Dr. Crisler those and any questions anybody else here would like. I will write them down so as not to forget. One tidbit of info I read that was really interesting was for optimal E2 levels, it also depends on your SBGH levels. For example, somebody with low SBGH levels, there optimal E2 levels will be even lower than in the 15-30 range. It's amazing how all of the hormones have to be in such a delicate balance. I do feel in order to feel your best, balance is more a key than just having high levels. Anyway, I will ask all questions. Hope fully I will get the Feb. 9 appointment.
    cool man....thanks for the tidbit...LOL

    so with that scenario of los SBGH...i know that those are the ones that grab some of the free it gets me thinking well, if your sbgh is low but your free test is still high then do you still want your e2 lower than the 15-30...and back to the sbgh...if these levels are low....that means that there is less to grab the free test?

  5. #5
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yes....low SHGB levels allows more test to free up, but remember, all of this is still a delicate balancing act left up to the experts. That's why I'm taking the trip to Michigan.

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