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  1. #1
    ThrottleKing's Avatar
    ThrottleKing is offline Junior Member
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    Rotator cuff surgery and test?

    I'm slated for rotator cuff surgery in a couple weeks. My question is should I up my dosage during my recovery or stay at my normal levels?

    Also what would be a good addition to my 200mg test a week during my recovery period? I was thinking Deca ?

    Just wondering if it would help my recuperation.

    Anyone who knows about this or has went through this surgery would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    I agree. Decca will help speed recovery. I've had my rotator cuffs cleaned up on each side once. Didn't have any access at the time but if I did, decca is probably the route I would have taken.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    hey throttle ....good luck with that bro....i have heard that deca does wonders for rotator cuff pain and recovery post surgery...only first hand experience is that i have rotator cuff pain and did small dose cycle of deca and did feel relief...also thinking of going in for more x-rays for mine and seeing options
    good luck to you

  4. #4
    ThrottleKing's Avatar
    ThrottleKing is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the responses guys.

    Funny thing is that the week I started the deca cycle with my TRT I tore my rotator cuff doing dumbbell curls. I stopped after only one week. It was totally unrelated, but at least I have the whole cycle's worth of Deca on hand!

    I heard the surgery hurts like hell, but I can't wait to not have this freaking shoulder pain gone. No pain no gain! LOL

  5. #5
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    The PT after surgery is what hurt like hell in my book. You dont want to raise your arm even an inch. Good luck

  6. #6
    bigmike8585 is offline Junior Member
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    hey bro i had the worst trouble with my shoulder the past year and a half, serious problems with dislocating it (5 serious times) i took some test and some hGH and dont think i will be having any problems anymore....i talked to several doctors and they told me to stay away from the table until it was just too much to handle and i almost did go in for surgery but then this worked wonders!!! the problem with surgery is 15-20 years later it is probably going to be worse than before the surgery or if you would not have had it at all.

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    HGH would be a big help as well dude

  8. #8
    ThrottleKing's Avatar
    ThrottleKing is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    HGH would be a big help as well dude
    Do you really think that would help? I would consider purchasing some if I knew the HGH would REALLY assist in the recovery.

    On a side note I was going to add HGH to my regime anyway after PT and this might be a good time to start.

    Any suggestions on a dosage for recovery and for post recovery? This is something I've always wanted to try.

    My DR explained that with the two tears I have and the bone spurs that NOT getting the surgery would severely impact any weightlifting and the PT would in my case would not do that much. Basically I'd end up tearing the rotator completely if I tried heavy weights again. (Come on, I'm only 43!)

    This doctor is actually the second opinion DR I found after researching Doctors in sports medicine in my area. This guy has done over 400 rotator surgeries and is widely respected as the best in this field.

  9. #9
    bigmike8585 is offline Junior Member
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    i would say that is a good age to have the surgery and as for the hgh i would go with somewhere around the area of 8iu 6 on 1 off

  10. #10
    ThrottleKing's Avatar
    ThrottleKing is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmike8585
    i would say that is a good age to have the surgery and as for the hgh i would go with somewhere around the area of 8iu 6 on 1 off

    8 IU's a DAY! WOW! That's an expensive cycle. With 500 IU's I'd be going through 5 boxes every 10 weeks!

    That sounds a little pricey. Would I get anything out of 2 IU's every day with no off days?

    I mean there has to be a point where you can't absorb the HGH right?

    There are so many opinions on this. Does Anthony Roberts have an a hard and fast rule! LOL

    Thanks for the help guys!

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