I am 28 yrs old I have been diagnosed with Congenital Hypogonnadism
I have been on Test Cyp replacement therapy for about 10 yrs... I found a doctor at free clinic who just continues to give me my test with like 5 refills I end up paying about 45$ dollars from the local pharmacy without insurance I also take A-dex 1mg EOD I get the adex from a friend who doesn't take she just gets it for me so I don't have to pay for it her insurance covers it Does Anyone KNow of a good Insuance provider that will cover my Test and the A-dex and anything else I could get... I ve spoke to a few HRT clinics they said because I a have this existing condition they would forego the age requirements. I am just completely lost when it comes to insurance companies that will pay for this sort of thing. Does Anybody have any Ideas for me???? Thanks