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Thread: what dossage arimidex

  1. #1

    what dossage arimidex

    guys, what dossage of arimidex do you think i should do.

    on the uk scale, my e2 level was about 121 on a scale which goes from 0-191 (pmol/l or nmol/l- cant remember)

    what is a good level- im assuming mine is too high

    what dosasge should i do


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    im also curious, i want to start it. BUMP

  3. #3
    hey guys- i bourght some arimidex online, from a supposedly reputable place

    the packaging is totally legit, and the lot number checked out with company, but these things can still be faked none the less.

    anyway, i tried half a dab, every other day for a couple of days, and that did jack. this morning i took a whole tab, and im going to wait and see how i feel. but half a tab eod is a good dossage, so i dont know why i didnt notice any changes in libido.

    has anyone heard of really well faked arimidex, with like perfect packaging


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    For PCT, 0.5mg/day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by masterpp
    guys, what dossage of arimidex do you think i should do.

    on the uk scale, my e2 level was about 121 on a scale which goes from 0-191 (pmol/l or nmol/l- cant remember)

    what is a good level- im assuming mine is too high

    what dosasge should i do

    That is way too high dude. Mine is 12 !!!!! Are you on a cycle right now ? I would get onto A-dex straight away

  6. #6
    dude, yours is 12, but on what scale:
    mine is 121 but in the uk the scale goes up to 190, so i am in the top third-

    what dossage should i do in your opinion- im not getting any morning wood, but i am worried that may be because the arimidex made me go too low

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by masterpp
    dude, yours is 12, but on what scale:
    mine is 121 but in the uk the scale goes up to 190, so i am in the top third-

    what dossage should i do in your opinion- im not getting any morning wood, but i am worried that may be because the arimidex made me go too low
    ).25mg EOD should be enough to keep it at a good level. I am actually travelling right now so I dont have access to the blood test to see the ranges. I will do that when I get home on Friday

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by masterpp
    dude, yours is 12, but on what scale:
    mine is 121 but in the uk the scale goes up to 190, so i am in the top third-

    what dossage should i do in your opinion- im not getting any morning wood, but i am worried that may be because the arimidex made me go too low
    its tricky to work with. but from what i hear morning wood is a good guage. and how long have u been on it? id do .25 mg every 3 days that shudnt take it too low at all, if im correct arimidex, even at like 1 mg a day should only reduce estrogen by like 50% thats waht it did for me anyway, took me from 60 to 30
    i didnt feel good at 30 tho either, i think im good somewhere between 15-25.

    but main question is HOW LONG HAVE U BEEN ON IT. it cant drop it all the way down over a day i dont think, im under the impression it takes about a week if im correct.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by masterpp
    guys, what dossage of arimidex do you think i should do.

    on the uk scale, my e2 level was about 121 on a scale which goes from 0-191 (pmol/l or nmol/l- cant remember)

    what is a good level- im assuming mine is too high

    what dosasge should i do

    The only way to really know (cause we are all different) is to get
    blood work done after a month. I thave taken arimidex over a year.
    Now 1 mg EOD. My E-2 is -11-. I thought it was low but Doc said
    any thing under 15 is fine. I was taking 1 mg ED. You have to keep
    making adjustments.

  10. #10
    hey i did 0.5 eod for 4 days, and for the last three days, 1mg eod.

    so its been a week. my e2 was in the top third of the range, uk range o to 191, and i was 130.

    i guess perhaps i am expecting too much too soon, but still no morning wood

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    ,25 ED works well for me. I think expecting big libido boost from first week of A-dex is wishful thinking. It will slowly restore natty levels, not work miracles!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    studies i found on pub med were done with old men who were slightly hypoganadic in the mid 300s on a scale of 250ng-1000, after 1mg ed, like 8 weeks they were in the mid 500s. Even testosterone increases were made in men taking 1mg bi-weekly, but it would be better imo to take .25 ed or .5 eod. for more even blood levels.

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